A modern version of the pull-stream reduce sink which returns a promise rather than calling a callback.
reduce(reducer[, initial])
const {pull, values, map} = require('pull-stream')
const reduce = require('psp-reduce')
pull(values([1, 2, 3]), reduce((a, b) => a + b)).then(console.log)
// 6
pull(values([1, 2, 3]), reduce((a, b) => a + b, 10)).then(console.log)
// 16
Aborting without an error will halt the process and return the value so far.
const {pull, values} = require('pull-stream')
const reduce = require('psp-reduce')
const sink = reduce((a, b) => a + b, 10)
pull(values([1, 2, 3]), sink).then(console.log)
// 10