This is the code repository for the GeoDa Center blog. It intends to be an archive for diverse snippets, functions and other useful material produced by the GeoDa Center team. This is a completely experimental space so do not expect the reliability and stability of other projects from the GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation such as OpenGeoDa, GeoDaSpace or PySAL.
The repository is organized in different folders according to the programming language used. Check out the blog to find posts that present and explain all the goodness hosted here and follow us on Twitter (@geodacenter) or Facebook to stay tuned about new posts and new code. Happy hacking!!!
- Dani Arribas-Bel, @darribas <[email protected]>
- Nicholas Malizia, <[email protected]>
- Serge Rey, <[email protected]>
- Phil Stephens, <[email protected]>
To effectively run all the functions on this module, you will need the following libraries:
For Python:
- numpy
- pandas
Licenses of this repository vary by folder, which is to say vary by programming language. You can find a copy of each inside each folder and an overview list here:
[python code]: BSD-like