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Check original URL against depth tree when visited link is a redirect… #284

Check original URL against depth tree when visited link is a redirect…

Check original URL against depth tree when visited link is a redirect… #284

Workflow file for this run

name: Tests
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: false
os: [ubuntu-latest]
php: [8.3, 8.2, 8.1]
illuminate: [10.*, 11.*]
dependency-version: [prefer-lowest, prefer-stable]
- php: 8.1
illuminate: 11.*
name: P${{ matrix.php }} - ${{ matrix.dependency-version }} - ${{ matrix.os }} - I ${{ matrix.illuminate }}
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install Puppeteer
run: npm install puppeteer
- name: Install and start test server
run: |
cd tests/server
npm install
(node server.js &) || /bin/true
- name: Wait for server bootup
run: sleep 5
- name: Setup PHP
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: ${{ matrix.php }}
extensions: dom, curl, libxml, mbstring, zip, pcntl, pdo, sqlite, pdo_sqlite, bcmath, soap, intl, gd, exif, iconv, imagick
coverage: none
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
composer require "laravel/framework:${{ matrix.illuminate }}" --no-interaction --no-update
composer update --${{ matrix.dependency-version }} --no-interaction --prefer-source
- name: Execute tests
run: vendor/bin/pest