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About this website

This website was created using Jekyll and hosted using GitHub Pages.

The source can be found at

Additions/corrections/suggestions are welcome.

How to run the website on your local computer

  • Make sure to install Jekyll on your computer using the instructions provided on their website.
  • In the Terminal, run this command to check if Jekyll is installed. It is recommended to install v4.1.1 and above.
jekyll -v

jekyll serve
  • Running jekyll serve creates a folder called _site under the folder Jekyll uses this folder content to serve the website locally. The folder _site should not be checked into the repository.

  • Browse the website by going to this URL. Make sure to stop the server and run again each time a change is made to the _config.yml file.

Website Structure

+-- _includes
|   -- footer.html                  # Contains code to include Back to Top button and JavaScript used in this website.
|   -- header.html                  # Contains code to include Stylesheets used in this website.
|   -- navbar.html                  # Contains code to display top level and mobile navigation including website search.
+-- _layouts
|   -- default.html                 # Contains HTML and Jekyll code to implement a re-usable page layout. (Used for index.html)
|   -- page.html                    # Imports the layout used for default.html and adds extra layout to present inner HTML pages.
+-- _sass
|   +-- main.scss                   # Contains re-usable SASS properties for the website.
+-- assets
|   +-- css
|       -- main.scss                # Imports the re-usable SASS properties for the website.
|       -- style.css                # Contains CSS for each section of the website.
|   +-- img   
|   +-- js
|       -- main.js                  # Contains JavaScript used for this website.
|   +-- vendor
|       +-- animate.css             # Supports Basic animations like Fade up, Fade Down etc.
|       +-- aos                     # To animate HTML elements when a user slides down a page.
|       +-- bootstrap
|       +-- boxicons
|       +-- icofont
|       +-- jquery-sticky
|       +-- jquery.easing
|       +-- jquery
+-- content
|   +-- homepage
|       +-- carousel
|           -- slide1.html           # HTML imported for First Slide of the Carousel in index.html
|           -- slide2.html           # HTML imported for Second Slide of the Carousel in index.html
|           -- slide3.html           # HTML imported for Third Slide of the Carousel in index.html
|           -- slide4.html           # HTML imported for Fourth Slide of the Carousel in index.html
|       --   # Markdown imported in "Current CyberDefense"  paragraph in index.html
|       --      # Markdown imported in "OpenC2 for Defense in Cyber-Relevant Time" paragraph in index.html
|       --            # Markdown imported in "How can OpenC2 help?" paragraph in index.html
|       --                 # Markdown imported in "Vision" paragraph in index.html
+-- vectors
|   --                # Original illustration for the picture used in "Current CyberDefense".
|   --                   # Original illustration for the picture used in "OpenC2 for Defense in Cyber-Relevant Time".
|   --                # Original illustration for the picture used in "How can OpenC2 help?" part of the homepage.
|   --                     # Original illustration for the picture used in "Vision" part of the homepage.
+-- _site                            # Folder generated locally when jekyll serve is run. This should not be checked in to the repo.
-- 404.html                          # Invalid URLs point to this page.
-- CNAME                             # Contains Domain name of the OpenC2 website.
-- _config.yml                       # Jekyll configuration for this website. Requires Server Restart each time it's changed.
-- contact.html                      #
-- faq.html                          # Frequently asked Questions
-- favicon.ico
-- index.html                        # HomePage of this website.
-- joinus.html                       # Join Us
-- news.html                         # OpenC2 in the News
-- oasis.html                        # What is OASIS?
-- openc2.html                       # About this Website
-- opensource.html                   # Opensource Software
-- otc.html                          # OASIS OpenC2 Technical Committee
-- otherdocumentation.html           # Other Documentation
--                         # Documentation on how to use/contribute to this website
-- specifications.html               # Specifications

How to add/remove slides in the carousel on the homepage?

index.html is the homepage and it uses Bootstrap Carousel. Please refer to it's documentation to learn more about it.

To add a new slide to the carousel, create a HTML content file in content/homepage/carousel folder similar to other slide-*.html files

Open index.html and add the HTML code inside the carousel-inner section to reflect the following change.

        <!-- Slide 5 -->
        <div class="carousel-item">
          <div class="carousel-container">
            <div class="carousel-content container">
            <!-- Include slide5.html using Jekyll's include_relative tag. 
            See here for more info: 

To remove unwanted slides, delete the HTML code and content file for the unused slide.

How to change the timeline in "OpenC2 in the news" page?

news.html is the page where a timeline is present.

To add or remove cards in the timeline, Open news.html and find the date you would like to insert a new card and copy paste this HTML. Please make sure to change the Date and Link as necessary.

<div class="timecard" data-aos="fade-up">
    <div class="content">
        <h6>March 06, 2020</h6>.  <!-- This section has the date of the entry -->
            <p> <!-- This section has the content of the entry -->
               <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" href="">
              Making IoT safer with BEAM OTP


Pull requests are welcome. To request changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


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  • HTML 85.6%
  • CSS 10.5%
  • JavaScript 3.7%
  • SCSS 0.2%