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Run minimal example

Install the operator

Create a secret in your cluster to allow the controller to perform changes on spacelift backend. It's simpler to configure a token the dedicated space on spacelift preprod because everything is configured. The secret should be created in the same namespace as Stack and Run resources that we are going to create afterward.

kubectl create secret generic spacelift-credentials\

Then install the operator in the cluster with

kubectl apply -f controller

Create a stack

kubectl apply -f examples/stack.yaml

See if the stack has been created on spacelift, if not you can inspect the controller logs to see what happened.

kubectl logs -f -n spacelift-operator-system deploy/spacelift-operator-controller-manager

Trigger a run

kubectl create -f examples/run.yaml

Setup the kubecon demo

(optional) Configure org

You can skip this step (recommended) if you want to simply run the demo against the preconfigured preprod env.

  • Create a space to run this demo
  • Make sure the VCS integration is configured so this repo could be reached
  • Create a push policy to ignore all VCS events with label autoattach:argo
package spacelift

ignore {
  • Create an api key in your org, and allow access to the space
package spacelift

key := "api::CHANGEME"
space_id = "spacelift-operator-CHANGEME"

space_admin[space_id] {
	  input.session.login == key
allow {input.session.login == key}
write {input.session.login == key}
sample { true }

Install the operator

You can jump directly to this step and ask for a valid token.

Create a secret in your cluster to allow the controller to perform changes on spacelift backend. It's simpler to configure a token the dedicated space on spacelift preprod because everything is configured. The secret should be created in the same namespace as Stack and Run resources that we are going to create afterward.

kubectl create secret generic spacelift-credentials\

Install the operator with the following command

kubectl apply -f controller



# Create a stack
kubectl apply -f infra/spacelift/stack.yaml &&\
kubectl wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.ready}'=true stack/demo-stack --timeout 1h

# Trigger a run
kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=true -f infra/spacelift/run.yaml &&\
kubectl apply -f infra/spacelift/run.yaml &&\
kubectl wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.ready}'=true run/spacelift-operator-demo --timeout 1h

# Deploy the app
helm upgrade --install operator-demo ./infra/helm/ --set 'image.tag=ed35e9a152f61eb79d369cd9b2dd7e4f65629026'

Now you can connect to the app and see that the bucket URL has been injected as env var

kubectl port-forward service/operator-demo 8888

And then open http://localhost:8888


In order to clean up your install, run:

helm uninstall operator-demo
kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=true -f infra/spacelift/run.yaml
kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=true -f infra/spacelift/stack.yaml

Please also remember to clean up stack on the spacelift side, since we do not perform stack deletion.




Demo application for the spacelift operator






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