I successfully installed MacOS Monterrey 120.0.1 on my Core i9-10900k running on an TUF GAMING Z490-PLUS using Opencore 0.7.5.
You can find my EFI folder in this repository.
Hardware CPU - Intel Core i9-10900K GPU - Gigabyte AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT WINDFORCE OC (Rev. 2.0) RAM - 128GB RAM (4x32GB) XPG Spectrix D50 RGB DDR4, 3200MHz Bluetooth - UGREEN USB Bluetooth adapter (B01LX6HISL)
Working OS - Tested Big Sur last update today 11.6.1 (13-Nov-2021) and Monterrey 12.0.1 Sleep/Wake Shutdown Restart USB Mapping Thunderbolt 3 1Gbit Ethernet
Not working so far DRM - Netflix and Prime in Safari. Other web browsers works fine. You may fixed trough this guide, but since I not use safari, I don't care about this. https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Post-Install/universal/drm.html#testing-drm
- You need to generate your SMBIOS information.
- You will need to use either USB inject all kext or do you own usb Map - https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Post-Install/usb/intel-mapping/intel.html