Securely Create and Manage dekstop files manually.
The word MenuKaran, is a mix of two words, Menu is in English and 'Karan' in Sanskrit means to do something
- Install desktop files manually.
- Search through the list of desktop files created manually.
- Open and Edit any desktop file.(WIP)
- Completely secure and easy to use.
- Able to add extra features.
To make this app work properly, I don't need access to any special folders directly, not even the access to $HOME
. This will work completely on portals. Just to make the app proper, I'll need to read the .local/share/applications
folder, else there will be a popup of no-access whenever try to open this folder as initial folder. Made with snap package, ecosystem and security in mind.
- Flutter(UI toolkit)
- Dart(Language Backend)
- SQL (for the database)
* animated_icon: ^0.0.5
* cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
* desktop_entry
* feather_icons: ^1.2.0
* file_selector: ^1.0.1
* handy_window: ^0.3.1
* icon_animated: ^1.2.1
* lottie: ^2.7.0
* path: ^1.8.3
* provider: ^6.1.1
* shared_preferences: ^2.2.2
* sqflite_common_ffi: ^2.3.0+4
* url_launcher: ^6.2.1
* yaru: ^1.2.0
* yaru_icons: ^2.2.2
* yaru_widgets: ^3.3.1
Thanks to all these packages and specifically the destop_entry package, this app has been successful.
Install Flutter
Clone this repository by
git clone && cd sorted
flutter build linux --release
- Frederik Feichtmeier
- Chinmay Tiwari
- David Lapshin (The great icon was made by him)
- Ubuntu Flutter Community
Do not rename an existing file, there is still no implementation in the database to catch that.