Just learning how to use git
Never used it before so trying to get used to it
This project is one of the FreeCodeCamp responsive web design projects: Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage
User Stories:
User Story #1: My portfolio should have a welcome section with an id of welcome-section.
User Story #2: The welcome section should have an h1 element that contains text.
User Story #3: My portfolio should have a projects section with an id of projects.
User Story #4: The projects section should contain at least one element with a class of project-tile to hold a project.
User Story #5: The projects section should contain at least one link to a project.
User Story #6: My portfolio should have a navbar with an id of navbar.
User Story #7: The navbar should contain at least one link that I can click on to navigate to different sections of the page.
User Story #8: My portfolio should have a link with an id of profile-link, which opens my GitHub or FCC profile in a new tab.
User Story #9: My portfolio should have at least one media query.
User Story #10: The height of the welcome section should be equal to the height of the viewport.
User Story #11: The navbar should always be at the top of the viewport.
I left the colors horrible lol
The images are google drive links so that it works local and in codepen where I submitted it to FCC
For some reason User Story #9 (One media query) didn't work on local, only on codepen. Not sure why
I never used any JS