This is a summary of the task.
- Hough Transform Line Parametrization
- Convolution
- Edge detection
- The Hough transform
- Finding lines
- Fitting line segments for visualization
- Extract Filter Responses
- Collect sample of points from image
- Compute Dictionary of Visual Words
- Convert image to word map
- Get Image Features
- Build Recognition System - Nearest Neighbors
Image Feature Distance
Evaluate Recognition System - NN and kNN
Using Python, OpenCV
- Network Initialization
- Forward Propagation
- Backwards Propagation
- Training Loop
- Numerical Gradient Checker
- Training Models
- Planar Homographies as a Warp
- Homography
- The Direct Linear Transform
- Correspondences
- Using Matrix Decompositions to calculate the homography
- Eigenvalue Decomposition
- Singular Value Decomposition
- Theory
- Homography under rotation
- Understanding homographies under rotation
- Limitations of the planar homography
- Behavior of lines under perspective projections
- Feature Detection and Matching
- FAST Detector
- BRIEF Descriptor
- Matching Methods
- Feature Matching
- BRIEF and Rotations
- Homography Computation
- Computing the Homography
- Homography Normalization
- Homography with normalization
- Implement RANSAC for computing a homography
- Automated Homography Estimation and Warping
- Puttin it together
- Incorporating video
- Implement the eight point algorithm
- Find epipolar correspondences
- Write a function to compute the essential matrix
- Implement triangulation
- Write a test script that uses data/temple_coords.npz
- Image Rectification
- Dense window matching to find per pixel disparity
- Depth map
- Lucas-Kanade Forward Addictive Alignment with Translation
- Lucas-Kanade Forward Addictive Alignment with Affine Transformation
- Inverse Compositional Alignment with Affine Transformation
- Test Algorithm