Simple Express/Connect middleware to automatically transpile JavaScript files from ES2015+ to ES5 via Babel, and cache the results to memory or the file-system as desired.
var express = require('express');
var babel = require('babel-middleware');
var app = express();
app.use('/js/', babel({
srcPath: 'app/js',
cachePath: __dirname + '/_cache'
babelOptions: {
presets: ['es2015']
An absolute or relative path to the input source. This option is required.
Use either memory for an in-memory cache; or a path to the desired cache directory (it does not need to exist when the app starts).
Default: memory
An array of path globs to exclude from transpiling and caching. Returns the originally requested file. See Micromatch documentation for globbing examples. Exclusions do not match against srcPath
Default: []
An options object passed into babel.transformFile
. See Babel documentation for usage.
Print debug output.
Default: false
Apache 2.0.