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As Brainulator pointed out in #4, the prototypes contain linker
output in some places where it is missing in the final ROM.
  • Loading branch information
Clownacy committed Sep 14, 2023
1 parent f31c607 commit 10ee8be
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Showing 9 changed files with 998 additions and 1,003 deletions.
383 changes: 383 additions & 0 deletions code/Header, EntryPoint.asm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
dc.l System_Stack ; Initial stack pointer value
dc.l EntryPoint ; Start of program
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Bus error
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Address error (4)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Illegal instruction
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Division by zero
dc.l ErrorTrap ; CHK exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAPV exception (8)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Privilege violation
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRACE exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Line-A emulator
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Line-F emulator (12)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved) (16)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved) (20)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved) (24)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Spurious exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; IRQ level 1
dc.l ErrorTrap ; IRQ level 2
dc.l ErrorTrap ; IRQ level 3 (28)
dc.l H_Int ; IRQ level 4 (horizontal retrace interrupt)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; IRQ level 5
dc.l V_Int ; IRQ level 6 (vertical retrace interrupt)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; IRQ level 7 (32)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #00 exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #01 exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #02 exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #03 exception (36)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #04 exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #05 exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #06 exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #07 exception (40)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #08 exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #09 exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #10 exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #11 exception (44)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #12 exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #13 exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #14 exception
dc.l ErrorTrap ; TRAP #15 exception (48)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved) (52)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved) (56)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved) (60)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved)
dc.l ErrorTrap ; Unused (reserved) (64)
; byte_100:
dc.b "SEGA GENESIS " ; Console name
dc.b "(C)SEGA 1992.SEP" ; Copyright holder and release date (generally year)
dc.b "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2 " ; Domestic name
dc.b "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2 " ; International name
if gameRevision=0
dc.b "GM 00001051-00" ; Version (REV00)
elseif gameRevision=1
dc.b "GM 00001051-01" ; Version (REV01)
elseif gameRevision=2
dc.b "GM 00001051-02" ; Version (REV02)
; word_18E
dc.w $D951 ; Checksum (patched later if incorrect)
dc.b "J " ; I/O Support
dc.l StartOfRom ; Start address of ROM
; dword_1A4
dc.l EndOfRom-1 ; End address of ROM
dc.l RAM_Start&$FFFFFF ; Start address of RAM
dc.l (RAM_End-1)&$FFFFFF ; End address of RAM
dc.b " " ; Backup RAM ID
dc.l $20202020 ; Backup RAM start address
dc.l $20202020 ; Backup RAM end address
dc.b " " ; Modem support
dc.b " " ; Notes (unused, anything can be put in this space, but it has to be 52 bytes.)
dc.b "JUE " ; Country code (region)

; ===========================================================================
; Crash/Freeze the 68000. Note that the Z80 continues to run, so the music keeps playing.
; loc_200:
nop ; delay
nop ; delay
bra.s ErrorTrap ; Loop indefinitely.

; ===========================================================================
; loc_206:
tst.l (HW_Port_1_Control-1).l ; test ports A and B control
bne.s PortA_Ok ; If so, branch.
tst.w (HW_Expansion_Control-1).l ; test port C control
; loc_214:
bne.s PortC_OK ; Skip the VDP and Z80 setup code if port A, B or C is ok...?
lea SetupValues(pc),a5 ; Load setup values array address.
movem.w (a5)+,d5-d7
movem.l (a5)+,a0-a4
move.b HW_Version-Z80_Bus_Request(a1),d0 ; Get hardware version
andi.b #$F,d0 ; Compare
beq.s SkipSecurity ; If the console has no TMSS, skip the security stuff.
move.l #'SEGA',Security_Addr-Z80_Bus_Request(a1) ; Satisfy the TMSS
; loc_234:
move.w (a4),d0 ; check if VDP works
moveq #0,d0 ; clear d0
movea.l d0,a6 ; clear a6
move.l a6,usp ; set usp to $0

moveq #VDPInitValues_End-VDPInitValues-1,d1 ; run the following loop $18 times
; loc_23E:
move.b (a5)+,d5 ; add $8000 to value
move.w d5,(a4) ; move value to VDP register
add.w d7,d5 ; next register
dbf d1,VDPInitLoop

move.l (a5)+,(a4) ; set VRAM write mode
move.w d0,(a3) ; clear the screen
move.w d7,(a1) ; stop the Z80
move.w d7,(a2) ; reset the Z80
; loc_250:
btst d0,(a1) ; has the Z80 stopped?
bne.s WaitForZ80 ; if not, branch

moveq #Z80StartupCodeEnd-Z80StartupCodeBegin-1,d2
; loc_256:
move.b (a5)+,(a0)+
dbf d2,Z80InitLoop

move.w d0,(a2)
move.w d0,(a1) ; start the Z80
move.w d7,(a2) ; reset the Z80

; loc_262:
move.l d0,-(a6) ; clear 4 bytes of RAM
dbf d6,ClrRAMLoop ; repeat until the entire RAM is clear
move.l (a5)+,(a4) ; set VDP display mode and increment mode
move.l (a5)+,(a4) ; set VDP to CRAM write

moveq #bytesToLcnt($80),d3 ; set repeat times
; loc_26E:
move.l d0,(a3) ; clear 2 palettes
dbf d3,ClrCRAMLoop ; repeat until the entire CRAM is clear
move.l (a5)+,(a4) ; set VDP to VSRAM write

moveq #bytesToLcnt($50),d4 ; set repeat times
; loc_278: ClrVDPStuff:
move.l d0,(a3) ; clear 4 bytes of VSRAM.
dbf d4,ClrVSRAMLoop ; repeat until the entire VSRAM is clear
moveq #PSGInitValues_End-PSGInitValues-1,d5 ; set repeat times.
; loc_280:
move.b (a5)+,PSG_input-VDP_data_port(a3) ; reset the PSG
dbf d5,PSGInitLoop ; repeat for other channels
move.w d0,(a2)
movem.l (a6),d0-a6 ; clear all registers
move #$2700,sr ; set the sr
; loc_292:
PortC_OK: ;;
bra.s GameProgram ; Branch to game program.
; ===========================================================================
; byte_294:
dc.w $8000,bytesToLcnt($10000),$100

dc.l Z80_RAM
dc.l Z80_Bus_Request
dc.l Z80_Reset
dc.l VDP_data_port, VDP_control_port

VDPInitValues: ; values for VDP registers
dc.b 4 ; Command $8004 - HInt off, Enable HV counter read
dc.b $14 ; Command $8114 - Display off, VInt off, DMA on, PAL off
dc.b $30 ; Command $8230 - Scroll A Address $C000
dc.b $3C ; Command $833C - Window Address $F000
dc.b 7 ; Command $8407 - Scroll B Address $E000
dc.b $6C ; Command $856C - Sprite Table Address $D800
dc.b 0 ; Command $8600 - Null
dc.b 0 ; Command $8700 - Background color Pal 0 Color 0
dc.b 0 ; Command $8800 - Null
dc.b 0 ; Command $8900 - Null
dc.b $FF ; Command $8AFF - Hint timing $FF scanlines
dc.b 0 ; Command $8B00 - Ext Int off, VScroll full, HScroll full
dc.b $81 ; Command $8C81 - 40 cell mode, shadow/highlight off, no interlace
dc.b $37 ; Command $8D37 - HScroll Table Address $DC00
dc.b 0 ; Command $8E00 - Null
dc.b 1 ; Command $8F01 - VDP auto increment 1 byte
dc.b 1 ; Command $9001 - 64x32 cell scroll size
dc.b 0 ; Command $9100 - Window H left side, Base Point 0
dc.b 0 ; Command $9200 - Window V upside, Base Point 0
dc.b $FF ; Command $93FF - DMA Length Counter $FFFF
dc.b $FF ; Command $94FF - See above
dc.b 0 ; Command $9500 - DMA Source Address $0
dc.b 0 ; Command $9600 - See above
dc.b $80 ; Command $9780 - See above + VRAM fill mode

dc.l vdpComm($0000,VRAM,DMA) ; value for VRAM write mode

; Z80 instructions (not the sound driver; that gets loaded later)
Z80StartupCodeBegin: ; loc_2CA:
CPU Z80 ; start assembling Z80 code
phase 0 ; pretend we're at address 0
xor a ; clear a to 0
ld bc,((Z80_RAM_End-Z80_RAM)-zStartupCodeEndLoc)-1 ; prepare to loop this many times
ld de,zStartupCodeEndLoc+1 ; initial destination address
ld hl,zStartupCodeEndLoc ; initial source address
ld sp,hl ; set the address the stack starts at
ld (hl),a ; set first byte of the stack to 0
ldir ; loop to fill the stack (entire remaining available Z80 RAM) with 0
pop ix ; clear ix
pop iy ; clear iy
ld i,a ; clear i
ld r,a ; clear r
pop de ; clear de
pop hl ; clear hl
pop af ; clear af
ex af,af' ; swap af with af'
exx ; swap bc/de/hl with their shadow registers too
pop bc ; clear bc
pop de ; clear de
pop hl ; clear hl
pop af ; clear af
ld sp,hl ; clear sp
di ; clear iff1 (for interrupt handler)
im 1 ; interrupt handling mode = 1
ld (hl),0E9h ; replace the first instruction with a jump to itself
jp (hl) ; jump to the first instruction (to stay there forever)
dephase ; stop pretending
padding off ; unfortunately our flags got reset so we have to set them again...

dc.w $8104 ; value for VDP display mode
dc.w $8F02 ; value for VDP increment
dc.l vdpComm($0000,CRAM,WRITE) ; value for CRAM write mode
dc.l vdpComm($0000,VSRAM,WRITE) ; value for VSRAM write mode

dc.b $9F,$BF,$DF,$FF ; values for PSG channel volumes
; ===========================================================================

; loc_300:
tst.w (VDP_control_port).l
; loc_306:
if gameRevision>0
move.w (VDP_control_port).l,d1
btst #1,d1
bne.s CheckSumCheck ; wait until DMA is completed
btst #6,(HW_Expansion_Control).l
beq.s ChecksumTest
cmpi.l #'init',(Checksum_fourcc).w ; has checksum routine already run?
beq.w GameInit

; loc_328:
if skipChecksumCheck=0 ; checksum code
movea.l #EndOfHeader,a0 ; start checking bytes after the header ($200)
movea.l #ROMEndLoc,a1 ; stop at end of ROM
move.l (a1),d0
moveq #0,d1
; loc_338:
add.w (a0)+,d1
cmp.l a0,d0
bhs.s ChecksumLoop
movea.l #Checksum,a1 ; read the checksum
cmp.w (a1),d1 ; compare correct checksum to the one in ROM
bne.w ChecksumError ; if they don't match, branch
; Clear some RAM only on a coldboot.
lea (CrossResetRAM).w,a6
moveq #0,d7

move.w #bytesToLcnt(CrossResetRAM_End-CrossResetRAM),d6
- move.l d7,(a6)+
dbf d6,-

move.b (HW_Version).l,d0
andi.b #$C0,d0
move.b d0,(Graphics_Flags).w
move.l #'init',(Checksum_fourcc).w ; set flag so checksum won't be run again
; loc_370:
; Clear some RAM on every boot and reset.
lea (RAM_Start&$FFFFFF).l,a6
moveq #0,d7
move.w #bytesToLcnt(CrossResetRAM-RAM_Start),d6
; loc_37C:
move.l d7,(a6)+
dbf d6,GameClrRAM ; clear RAM ($0000-$FDFF)

bsr.w VDPSetupGame
bsr.w JmpTo_SoundDriverLoad
bsr.w JoypadInit
move.b #GameModeID_SegaScreen,(Game_Mode).w ; set Game Mode to Sega Screen
; loc_394:
move.b (Game_Mode).w,d0 ; load Game Mode
andi.w #$3C,d0 ; limit Game Mode value to $3C max (change to a maximum of 7C to add more game modes)
jsr GameModesArray(pc,d0.w) ; jump to apt location in ROM
bra.s MainGameLoop ; loop indefinitely
; ===========================================================================
; loc_3A2:
GameModesArray: ;;
GameMode_SegaScreen: bra.w SegaScreen ; SEGA screen mode
GameMode_TitleScreen: bra.w TitleScreen ; Title screen mode
GameMode_Demo: bra.w Level ; Demo mode
GameMode_Level: bra.w Level ; Zone play mode
GameMode_SpecialStage: bra.w SpecialStage ; Special stage play mode
GameMode_ContinueScreen:bra.w ContinueScreen ; Continue mode
GameMode_2PResults: bra.w TwoPlayerResults ; 2P results mode
GameMode_2PLevelSelect: bra.w LevelSelectMenu2P ; 2P level select mode
GameMode_EndingSequence:bra.w JmpTo_EndingSequence ; End sequence mode
GameMode_OptionsMenu: bra.w OptionsMenu ; Options mode
GameMode_LevelSelect: bra.w LevelSelectMenu ; Level select mode
; ===========================================================================
if skipChecksumCheck=0 ; checksum error code
; loc_3CE:
move.l d1,-(sp)
bsr.w VDPSetupGame
move.l (sp)+,d1
move.l #vdpComm($0000,CRAM,WRITE),(VDP_control_port).l ; set VDP to CRAM write
moveq #$3F,d7
; loc_3E2:
move.w #$E,(VDP_data_port).l ; fill palette with red
dbf d7,Checksum_Red ; repeat $3F more times
; loc_3EE:
bra.s ChecksumFailed_Loop
; ===========================================================================
; loc_3F0:
LevelSelectMenu2P: ;;
jmp (MenuScreen).l
; ===========================================================================
; loc_3F6:
JmpTo_EndingSequence ; JmpTo
jmp (EndingSequence).l
; ===========================================================================
; loc_3FC:
OptionsMenu: ;;
jmp (MenuScreen).l
; ===========================================================================
; loc_402:
LevelSelectMenu: ;;
jmp (MenuScreen).l
; ===========================================================================

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