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Get available analytic services

efotopoulou edited this page Jun 13, 2019 · 8 revisions

Get available analytic services

Scope: This functionality is used for fetching all available analytic services on behalf of the profiler

REST - API: http://profiler_server_IP_address/list

The result of such a call is a JSONArray that contains all information regarding the available analytic services The fields to get back are:

  • name: the name of the analytic service
  • uri: the URI of the analytic service
  • description: description of what the analytic service offers
  • constraints: constraints of the the analytic service (ex. the first metric to send will be considered as the dependent variable of the analysis)
  • results: JSONArray with the analytics service result files

A response example should be:

Scope: This functionality is used fetching all available analytic services from profiler.

REST - API - GET: http://profiler_server_IP_address/list

Response - JSONArray

	"name": "correlogram",
	"description": "Provide a correlogram with high statistical correlations between metrics",
	"id": "5d025050429b0b00017a7e41",
	"constraints": "Select the set of metrics (more than one) to be used for the calculation of the correlation matrix",
	"results": ["correlogram.html"],
	"url": "/ocpu/library/Physiognomica/R/correlogram"
}, {
	"name": "chord",
	"description": "Provide a correlogram with high statistical correlations between metrics via an interactive chord diagram",
	"id": "5d025050429b0b00017a7e42",
	"constraints": "Select the set of metrics (more than one) to be used for the calculation of the correlation matrix",
	"results": ["correlation_page.html"],
	"url": "/ocpu/library/Physiognomica/R/chord"
}, {
	"name": "TimeSeriesDecomposition",
	"description": "Provide a decomposition of a time series in seasonal, trend, and remainder parts",
	"id": "5d025050429b0b00017a7e43",
	"constraints": "Select one metric to be used for time series decomposition",
	"results": ["time_series_decomposition.html"],
	"url": "/ocpu/library/Physiognomica/R/time_series_decomposition"
}, {
	"name": "linear_regression",
	"description": "Provide a linear regression model along with a scatterplot",
	"id": "5d025050429b0b00017a7e44",
	"constraints": "Select the dependent and intenpendent variable for the linear regression model",
	"results": ["linear_regression.html"],
	"url": "/ocpu/library/Physiognomica/R/linear_regression"
}, {
	"name": "multiple_linear_regression",
	"description": "Provide a multiple linear regression model along with composed visualizations",
	"id": "5d025050429b0b00017a7e45",
	"constraints": "Select the dependent and intenpendent variable for the linear regression model",
	"results": ["multiple_linear_regression.html"],
	"url": "/ocpu/library/Physiognomica/R/multiple_linear_regression"
}, {
	"name": "test",
	"description": "test",
	"id": "5d025050429b0b00017a7e46",
	"constraints": "test",
	"results": ["console"],
	"url": "/ocpu/library/Physiognomica/R/test"