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Ninchat iOS SDK Integrator's Guide

build_status cocoapods compatible Licence

This document describes integrating the Ninchat iOS SDK into an iOS application.

⚠️  The project has been archived and will not receive any more updates. To integrate with Ninchat services, pleaes use the Swift SDK  ⚠️


Install the SDK via CocoaPods.

Example Podfile:

platform :ios, '9.0'

source ''
source ''

    pod 'NinchatSDK', '~> 0.0.42'

Install by running pod install.

NOTE that use_frameworks! is optional.

Breaking Changes

Starting version 0.0.42, the SDK supports session resumption. Consider the following breaking changes if you are updating the SDK to versions >= 0.0.42 from earlier versions.

Session initialization

Since session resumption feature requires credentials, start(callBack:) includes a NINSessionCredentials? parameter which is used for resuming the session later.

ninchatSession.start { (credentials: NINSessionCredentials?, error: Error?) in  }

Delegate methods

There might be cases where provided credentials are not valid for resuming a session. In such cases, the following delegate would be used to initiate a new session.

func ninchatDidFail(toResumeSession session: NINChatSession) -> Bool {}


Creating the API client

The SDK's API client is to be re-created every time a new chat session is started; once it has terminated, it cannot be used any more and must be disposed of to deallocate memory.

To initialize the client, you need a server address and a configuration key (and optionally a site secret). These will point the SDK to your chat server realm. You obtain these from Ninchat. Optionally, you may specify a list of siteconfig environments to use over the default one.

You must keep a reference to the created API client instance until the SDK UI terminates.

import NinchatSDK

self.ninchatSession = NINChatSession(configKey: configKey, queueID: queueID, environments: environments)
self.ninchatSession.delegate = self
Optional parameters
  • environments is optional and may not be required for your deployment
  • queueID define a valid queue ID to join the queue directly; specify nil to show queue selection view.
User Agent Header (Optional)

To append information as the user agent header to your requests, use the following format to set value to appDetails prior to call start(callBack:) function:

ninchatSession.appDetails = "app-name/version (more; details)"

Starting the API client

The SDK must perform some asynchornous networking tasks before it is ready to use; this is done by calling the start method as follows. The callback includes credentials that could be saved for resuming the session later.

ninchatSession.start { (credentials: NINSessionCredentials?, error: Error?) in
    if let error = error {
         /// Some errors in starting a new session.
    /// Save/Cache `credentials` for resuming the session later.

Note: You still can initiate the session using the legacy interface without any credentials involved:

ninchatSession.start { (error: Error?) in
    if let error = error {
         /// Some errors in starting a new session.
    /// Show the SDK UI.

Resuming a session

Starting version 0.0.42, the SDK provides support to resume a session. In case of any issues in resuming the session using provided credentials, the corresponded optional delegate is called to ask if a new session should be started or not.

ninchatSession.start(with: credentials) { (credentials: NINSessionCredentials?, error: Error?) in
    if let error = error {
        /// Some errors in resuming the session.
    /// Update saved/cached `credentials` with the new one.

/// Optional
/// Called when credentials are not valid.
func ninchatDidFail(toResumeSession session: NINChatSession) -> Bool {
    /// Return `true` if the SDK should start a new session.
    return true

Showing the SDK UI

Once you have started the API client, you can retrieve its UI to be displayed in your application's UI stack. Typically you would do this within the start callback upon successful completion. The API returns an UIViewController which you must display using a UINavigationController as such:

guard let controller = self?.ninchatSession.viewController(withNavigationController: false) else {
    log.error("Failed to instantiate SDK UI")
    //TODO insert your error handling steps here

self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: true)
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)

If your application doesn't use an UINavigationController, specify withNavigationController: true and the SDK will provide one for you.

Implementing the API client's delegate methods

The SDK uses a delegate pattern for providing callbacks into the host application. See below for implementing these methods. All of these methods are always called on the main UI thread.

// MARK: From NINChatSessionDelegate

/// This method is called when the chat session has terminated.
/// The host app should remove the SDK UI from its UI stack and restore
/// the navigation bar if it uses one.
func ninchatDidEnd(_ ninchat: NINChatSession) {
    log.debug("Ninchat session ended; removing the SDK UI");
    self.navigationController?.popToViewController(self, animated: true)
    ninchatSession = nil
    self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: true)

/// This method is called when ever loading an overrideable graphics asset;
/// the host app may supply a custom UIImage to be shown in the SDK UI.
/// For any asset it does NOT wish to override, return nil.
func ninchat(_ session: NINChatSession, overrideImageAssetForKey assetKey: NINImageAssetKey) -> UIImage? {
    switch assetKey {
    case .queueViewProgressIndicator:
        return UIImage.init(named: "icon_queue_progress_indicator")
        return nil

/// This method is called when ever a low-level API event is received.
/// The host application may respond to these events by using the exposed
/// low-level library; see NINChatSession.session. Optional method.
func ninchat(_ session: NINChatSession, onLowLevelEvent params: NINLowLevelClientProps, payload: NINLowLevelClientPayload, lastReply: Bool) {
    let eventType = try! params.getString("event")
    switch eventType {
    case "channel_joined":
        log.debug("We joined a channel.");

/// This method is called when the SDK emits a log message. Optional method.
func ninchat(_ session: NINChatSession, didOutputSDKLog message: String) {
    log.debug("** NINCHAT SDK **: \(message)")

/// Optional
/// This method is called when the SDK was unable to resume a session using provided credentials.
/// The return value determines if the SDK should initiate a new session or not.
func ninchatDidFail(toResumeSession session: NINChatSession) -> Bool {
     return true

Info.plist keys Required by the SDK

The host application must define the following keys in its Info.plist file:

  • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription - For accessing photos
  • NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription - For saving chat images to photos album
  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription - For video conferencing
  • NSCameraUsageDescription - For video conferencing

Low level API

The SDK exposes the low-level communications interface as NINChatSession.session. The host app may use this object to communicate to the server, bypassing the SDK logic.

See Ninchat API Reference for information about the API's outbound Actions and inbound Events.

Limitations imposed by the SDK

There are some limitations that the SDK imposes on the host app linking to it:

  • Missing Bitcode support. The host application must be configured to not use bitcode. The SDK's Cocoapods installer will do this automatically.
  • Parts of the SDK are missing the DWARF symbols used for crash symbolication; you must untick the "Include app symbols" checkbox when submitting an app archive to the App Store / TestFlight.

In addition, you will see the following linker error - which you may simply ignore - for the i386 architecture:

ld: warning: PIE disabled. Absolute addressing (perhaps -mdynamic-no-pic) not allowed in code signed PIE, but used in sync/atomic.(*Value).Store from /Users/matti/src/ninchat-sdk-ios-testclient/Pods/NinchatLowLevelClient/Frameworks/NinchatLowLevelClient.framework/NinchatLowLevelClient(go.o). To fix this warning, don't compile with -mdynamic-no-pic or link with -Wl,-no_pie

These issues are caused by limitations of the gomobile bind tool used to generate the low-level communications library.

Overriding the Image Assets

Using the API delegate method session:overrideImageAssetForKey: you may supply your own Image assets as UIImage objects. See the table below for explanations on the supported asset keys.

These keys can be found in the SDK's public header NINPublicTypes.h. For Objective-C, use the constants found in this header; for Swift, use the NINImageAssetKey.* constants. The table below assumes Swift.

Note that all the buttons may not be available in the UI.

All the assets should be transparent where there is no color.

Asset key Related UI control(s) Notes
.primaryButton Background for the 'primary' button
.secondaryButton Background for the 'secondary' button
.iconDownload Download button icon
.iconLoader Progress indicator icon in queue view.
.chatWritingIndicator User is typing.. Indicator icon in chat bubble Should be animated.
.chatBackground Chat view's repeating texture. Should be repeatable (tiling).
.chatCloseButton Background for 'close chat' button.
.iconChatCloseButton Close icon for 'close chat' button.
.chatBubbleLeft Background for left side chat bubble (first message) Must be sliced as it needs to stretch.
.chatBubbleLeftRepeated Background for left side chat bubble (serial message) Must be sliced as it needs to stretch.
.chatBubbleRight Background for reveright side chat bubble (first message) Must be sliced as it needs to stretch.
.chatBubbleRightRepeated Background for right side chat bubble (serial message) Must be sliced as it needs to stretch.
.iconRatingPositive Ratings view positive icon
.iconRatingNeutral Ratings view neutral icon
.iconRatingNegative Ratings view negative icon
.chatAvatarRight Placeholder avatar icon for my messages.
.chatAvatarLeft Placeholder avatar icon for others' messages.
.chatPlayVideo Play icon for videos
.iconTextareaCamera Start video call button
.iconTextareaAttachment Add attachment button
.textareaSubmitButton Background for send message button When button title is set
.iconTextareaSubmitButtonIcon Icon for send message button When no button title is set
.iconVideoToggleFull Expand video to fullscreen
.iconVideoToggleNormal Shrink video to fit a window
.iconVideoSoundOn Sound is enabled
.iconVideoSoundOff Sound is muted
.iconVideoMicrohoneOn Microphone is enabled
.iconVideoMicrophoneOff Microphone is muted
.iconVideoCameraOn Camera is on
.iconVideoCameraOff Camera is off
.iconVideoHangup End the video call

Overriding the Color Assets

Using the API delegate method session:overrideColorAssetForKey: you may supply your own color assets as UIColor objects. See the table below for explanations on the supported asset keys.

These keys can be found in the SDK's public header NINPublicTypes.h. For Objective-C, use the constants found in this header; for Swift, use the NINImageAssetKey.* constants. The table below assumes Swift.

Asset key Related UI control(s)
.buttonPrimaryText Text on 'primary' buttons
.buttonSecondaryText Text on 'secondary' buttons
.infoText Chat view's meta information (eg. 'Chat started')
.chatName User name above chat bubbles
.chatTimestamp Timestamp above chat bubbles
.chatBubbleLeftText Text in others' chat messages
.chatBubbleRightText Text in my chat messages
.textareaText Chat input text
.textareaSubmitText Message submit button title
.chatBubbleLeftLink Link color in others' messages
.chatBubbleRightLink Link color in my messages
.modalBackground Background in 'modal dialogs'
.modalText Text in 'modal dialogs'
.backgroundTop Background of the top part in some views
.textTop Text in top parts of some views
.link Link color (except in chat bubbles)
.backgroundBottom Background of the bottom part in some views
.textBottom Text in bottom parts of some views
.ratingPositiveText Text of the positive rating button
.ratingNeutralText Text of the neutral rating button
.ratingNegativeText Text of the negative rating button


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