Deregression of EBVs following Garrick et al. (2009)
Part of the script were sourced from Badke et al. (2014)
The deregression R-scripts requires the following parameters and information to run sucessfully
- trait="" +++++ The file containing the EBVs, columns = (ID, EBV, reliability)
- Pedigree="" +++++ The file containing the Pedigree information, columns = (ID, Sire, Dam)
- genoIDs="" +++++ The file containing the IDs of the genotyped individuals
- dataformat="" +++++ Specify if the files are in the directory or it an R-object (options are 'DIR','R-object')
- h2="" +++++ heritabilty of the traits
- p.varSNP="" +++++ proportion of genetic variance accounted for by marker genotypes
- outname="" +++++ Output filename
Example run:
debv <-dEBV(trait="Pheno_trait.txt", Pedigree="Pedigree_info.txt", genoIDs="IDs_genotyped.txt", dataformat="DIR", h2=0.30, p.varSNP=0.50, outname="dereg_example")