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Fluffy: Bimodal Taint Analysis using CodeQL

Fluffy is a bimodal taint analysis that combines static analysis, which reasons about data flow, with machine learning, which probabilistically determines which flows are potentially problematic.

A typical use case would be to find unhygienic APIs, where values flow from parameters of API functions exported by npm packages to vulnerable sinks, but a user of the package might not expect this flow based on the name of the parameter and/or the function.

For example, while it would not be surprising to find flow from a parameter named command to a command-injection sink, it might be unexpected to find such flow from a parameter named fontFamily.

Fluffy consists of two parts: a mining analysis implemented in CodeQL that finds examples of flows from parameters to known sinks, and a machine-learning component that, based on a corpus of such examples, learns how to distinguish typical (and hence most likely unproblematic) flows from rare (and hence perhaps unexpected) flows.

A detailed description of the approach is available in the paper Beware of the Unexpected: Bimodal Taint Analysis (ISSTA'23).


Fluffy requires the following tools to be installed:

  • Python (known to work with version 3.9)
  • Node.js (known to work with version 16)
  • Rust (known to work with version 1.65)
  • CMake (known to work with version 3.23)
  • CUDA (known to work with version 10.2)


  1. Ensure that the above tools are installed and available on your PATH.

  2. Setup a virtual envionment for Fluffy by running virtualenv -p python3.9 fluffy, and activate it by running source fluffy/bin/activate.

  3. Install Python dependencies by running pip install --no-deps -r requirements.txt.

  4. If you have cloned this repository from GitHub, download the following data files from figshare and put them into the data directory: flows-full.csv, train-set-2.csv, logging_flows_labelled.csv, logging_flows_train_set.csv. You can do this with wget:

wget --no-check-certificate '' -O data/flows-full.csv
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O data/train-set-2.csv
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O data/logging_flows_labelled.csv
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O data/logging_flows_train_set.csv
  1. Download and unzip the trained models from figshare (, Also, download the configuration file for the model (detector_nn.pkl). Again, you can do this with wget:
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O models/
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O models/
unzip models/ -d models/
unzip models/ -d models/
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O detector_nn.pkl

Getting started

To quickly validate the general functionality, run the following command to run the Novelty Detection experiment (Section 4.2):

For integrity violation:


For confidentiality violation:


Detailed Instructions

The following instructions detail how to run the code to validate the claims and results in the paper.

Sink Prediction

Train the model on the param-sink flows by running

./ train -t neural data/train-set-2.csv --include-function-name --include-param-doc -w 

and on the logging flows by running

./ train -t neural data/logging_flows_train_set.csv -w --logging-flow

Evaluate the model on the param-sink flows by running

./ eval detector_nn.pkl --model-path models/m1_final/checkpoints/model-epoch\=00-val_loss\=0.596.ckpt 

Evaluate the model on the logging flows by running

./ eval detector_nn.pkl --model-path models/m1_final_logging/checkpoints/model-epoch\=00-val_loss\=0.040.ckpt --logging-flow 

Replace the model path if you are training the model yourself. The trained models will be located in the lightning_logs/ directory.

Novelty Detection

Training and evaluation


Binary Classification

Training and evaluation (per sink type)

./ finetune detector_nn.pkl data/test-set-2.csv CodeInjection
./ finetune detector_nn.pkl data/test-set-2.csv CommandInjection 
./ finetune detector_nn.pkl data/test-set-2.csv logging 

The experiment with data-set sizes can be reproduced by running

./ finetune detector_nn.pkl data/test-set-2.csv CodeInjection -dse ; ./ finetune detector_nn.pkl data/test-set-2.csv CommandInjection -dse ; ./ finetune detector_nn.pkl data/test-set-2.csv ReflectedXss -dse ; ./ finetune detector_nn.pkl data/test-set-2.csv TaintedPath -dse ; ./ finetune detector_nn.pkl data/test-set-2.csv logging -dse


Using the similarity-check prompt (per sink type)

python {your_key} --all_flows_examples --sink CommandInjection --prompt_type SimilarityCheck

Using the direct-prediction prompt (per sink type)

python {your_key} --all_flows_examples --sink CommandInjection --prompt_type DirectPrediction 



./ train -t counting -o detector_counting.pkl data/flows-full.csv 


./ eval detector_counting.pkl

Overview of implementation

Mining analysis

The source code for the mining analysis is contained in ql/queries, with tests in ql/tests.

  • Mining.ql: Finds tuples of the form (pkg, v, fn, p, k, d, f, l) representing flow from parameter p of function fn in version v of package pkg to a sink of kind k (which is currently one of CodeInjection, CommandInjection, ReflectedXss, and TaintedPath), where the parameter is declared on line l of file f, and has doc comment d (which will be the empty string if not applicable).
  • Param2Sink.ql: Can be used to explore the flow from a particular parameter to a particular sink by adjusting the part below the comment saying "Customise here".

The libraries Param2Sink.qll and UMD.qll contain shared logic used by both queries.

ML component

The ML component consists the classifiers for identifying unusual flows.


Classifiers can be trained and run using, as described above.


The data folder contains some manually-curated and some generated data:

  • SecBench.js.csv: SecBench.js dataset (Section 4.1.3)
  • ground-truth-full-flows.csv: random set (Section 4.1.3)
  • ground-truth.csv: balanced set (Section 4.1.3)
  • logging_flows_ground_truth.csv: ground truth for logging flows (Section 4.1.3)
  • logging_flows_not_sensitive_unique.csv: subset of logging_flows_ground_truth.csv containing just the flows that were not considered sensitive by CodeQL
  • survey_result.csv: results of the survey (Section 4.1.3)
  • test-set-2.csv: labelled ground truth from ground-truth.csv
  • flows-full.csv: param-sink flows (Section 4.1.1) (available here)
  • train-set-2.csv: flows-full.csv minus ground-truth.csv (available here)
  • logging_flows_labelled.csv: logging flows (Section 4.1.1) (available here)
  • logging_flows_train_set.csv: logging_flows_labelled.csv minus logging_flows_ground_truth.csv (available here)


The following files contain the code for the ML component:

  • deep-learning model (Sections 3.4.1, 3.4.2)
  • Section 4.1.3
  • configuration
  • data representation of flows
  • Torch dataset for flows labelled with sink kind
  • Torch dataset for flows labelled with expected/unpexpected
  • generate prompt for LLM (Section 3.4.4)
  • driver script for calling the model
  • driver script
  • novelty detection model (Section 3.4.3) for integrity
  • novelty detection model for confidentiality
  • code for training the detectors
  • data conversion utilities
  • utilities for plotting ROC and PR curves