-- HTML5
-- CSS3
-- JavaScript
-- JQuery
-- When the game loads, it will display four buttons and they all have four different colors.
-- When the user presses any key on the keyboard, the game will start and it will flash one of the buttons.
-- The user will have to click on that button, if the user hits on the correct button then the game goes on and the next sequence will be shown to the user.
-- The next sequence will have two button flashing, one will be the previous one and the second will be the new one added to the sequence.
-- The game will go on as long as the user matches the game pattern(i.e hit correct buttons according to the sequence).
-- The longer the game goes on, the harder it will be for the user to remember the game sequence and at some point, the user might make a mistake and the game will get over.
-- This game really challenges the mental capability of the user as he/she has to continuously focus in the game to get the sequence right.
-- The user can also start the game again by pressing any key and a new game will be displayed for the user with a totally different game sequence.
-- index.html (Front - End of the website)
-- styles.css (Styling file for the front end)
-- game.js (working and behaviour of the game)
-- sounds folder (contains all the sounds required for the project)