The goal of panda is to make panda pictures that say my words.
panda("I say words!")
#> Set panda = 70 to reproduce this panda.
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
rvr <- panda(mittens_msg, panda = 52) +
panda(socks_msg) +
panda(buttons_msg, panda = 26) +
panda(boots_msg, panda = 26)
#> Set panda = 52 to reproduce this panda.
#> Set panda = 53 to reproduce this panda.
#> Set panda = 26 to reproduce this panda.
#> Set panda = 26 to reproduce this panda.
# usethis::use_data(rvr, overwrite = TRUE)
# random panda
#> Set panda = 52 to reproduce this panda.
# random panda no information stamped on image about panda number
panda(stamp = FALSE)
#> Set panda = 53 to reproduce this panda.
#> Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_text).
# panda speaks
panda("I speaketh the words.")
#> Set panda = 76 to reproduce this panda.
# selct specific panda
panda(panda = 26)
#> Set panda = 26 to reproduce this panda.
# select from default pandas
#> # A tibble: 6 x 4
#> descriptor seed type adopted_by
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 declaratory 73 mood <NA>
#> 2 wondering 26 mood <NA>
#> 3 Mittens 52 name softloud
#> 4 Boots 26 name softloud
#> 5 Buttons 26 name softloud
#> 6 Beanie 17 name jenrichmond
# select panda by name or mood
panda(descriptor = "declatory",
msg = "I am a declaratory panda")
panda(descriptor = "Mittens",
msg = "My name is Mittens.")
# moods
# pandas by name