- create obligation keypair
- instructions
- create account
- init obligation
- signing keypairs
- obligation
- authority
- instructions
- signing keypairs
- authorrity
- instructions
- signing keypairs
- authorrity
- 当然loans不为空的时候
- instructions
- signing keypairs
- authorrity
- 当然loans为空的时候
- instructions
- signing keypairs
- authorrity
- accounts
- rent pubkey
- clock pubkey
- manager pubkey
- obligation pubkey Writable
- user authority pubkey
- data
- InitUserObligation
- accounts
- clock pubkey
- obligation pubkey Writable
- market reserve 1 pubkey
- market reserve 2 pubkey
- market reserve .. pubkey
- data
- RefreshUserObligation
- remark
- market reserve pubkeys 是用户obligation中collaterals和loans里包含的所有market reserve
- accounts
- clock pubkey
- market reserve 1 pubkey Writable
- price oracle 1 pubkey
- rate oracle 1 pubkey
- market reserve 2 pubkey Writable
- price oracle 2 pubkey
- rate oracle 2 pubkey
- market reserve .. pubkey Writable
- price oracle .. pubkey
- rate oracle .. pubkey
- data
- RefreshMarketReserves
- remark
- market reserve pubkey 要按照用户obligation中collaterals和loans里的market reserve依次排序,rate oracle和price oracle要和market reserve对应
- accounts
- clock pubkey
- manager pubkey
- manager authority pubkey
- market reserve pubkey Writable
- sotoken mint pubkey Writable
- manager token account pubkey Writable
- rate oracle pubkey
- user authority pubkey Signer
- user token account pubkey Writable
- user sotoken account pubkey Writable
- spl token program
- data
- Deposit{ amount }
- accounts
- market reserve pubkey
- sotoken mint pubkey Writable
- user obligation pubkey Writable
- user authority pubkey Signer
- user sotoken account pubkey Writable
- spl token program
- data
- PledgeCollateral{ amount }
- accounts
- clock pubkey
- manager pubkey
- manager authority pubkey
- market reserve pubkey Writable
- manager token account key Writable
- user obligation pubkey Writable
- user authority pubkey Signer
- user token account key Writable
- spl token program
- data
- BorrowLiquidity{ amount }
- accounts
- clock pubkey
- market reserve pubkey Writable
- manager token account key Writable
- rate oracle pubkey
- user obligation pubkey Writable
- user authority pubkey Signer
- user token account key Writable
- spl token program
- data
- RepayLoan{ amount }
- accounts
- clock pubkey
- manager pubkey
- manager authority pubkey
- market reserve pubkey
- sotoken mint pubkey Writable
- user obligation pubkey Writable
- user authority pubkey Signer
- user sotoken account pubkey Writable
- spl token program
- data
- RedeemCollateral{ amount }
- accounts
- manager pubkey
- manager authority pubkey
- market reserve pubkey
- sotoken mint pubkey Writable
- user obligation pubkey Writable
- user authority pubkey Signer
- user sotoken account pubkey Writable
- spl token program
- data
- RedeemCollateralWithoutLoan{ amount }
- accounts
- clock pubkey
- manager pubkey
- manager authority pubkey
- market reserve pubkey Writable
- sotoken mint pubkey Writable
- manager token account pubkey Writable
- rate oracle pubkey
- user authority pubkey Signer
- user token account pubkey Writable
- user sotoken account pubkey Writable
- spl token program
- data
- Withdraw{ amount }
- data struct
pub struct UniqueCredit {
pub version: u8,
pub owner: Pubkey,
pub reserve: Pubkey,
pub borrow_limit: u64,
pub acc_borrow_rate_wads: Decimal,
pub borrowed_amount_wads: Decimal,
pub struct MarketReserve {
pub version: u8,
pub last_update: LastUpdate,
/// size: 32 byte (used in instruction)
pub manager: Pubkey,
pub market_price: Decimal,
pub token_config: TokenConfig,
/// size: 43 byte
pub collateral_info: CollateralInfo,
/// size: 83 byte
pub liquidity_info: LiquidityInfo,
/// size: 33 byte
pub rate_model: RateModel,
/// padding size: 256 byte
pub struct TokenConfig {
pub mint_pubkey: Pubkey,
pub supply_account: Pubkey,
pub price_oracle: Pubkey,
pub decimal: u8,
- borrow liquidity
- soda will approve final amount from
as delegate
- soda will approve final amount from
pub fn borrow_liquidity_by_unique_credit(
// manager pubkey which owns by soda program (should equals to field in MarketReserve)
manager_key: Pubkey,
// market reserve pubkey which owns by soda program
market_reserve_key: Pubkey,
// supply token account of reserve which owns by soda program (should equals to field in TokenConfig)
supply_token_account_key: Pubkey,
// credit pubket which owns by soda program (created by soda admin)
unique_credit_key: Pubkey,
// authority of credit owner
authority_key: Pubkey,
// borrow amount (u64::MAX represents borrow all liquidity from reserve)
amount: u64,
) -> Instruction {
let program_id = id();
let (manager_authority_key, _bump_seed) = Pubkey::find_program_address(
Instruction {
accounts: vec![
AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(manager_key, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(manager_authority_key, false),
AccountMeta::new(market_reserve_key, false),
AccountMeta::new(supply_token_account_key, false),
AccountMeta::new(unique_credit_key, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(authority_key, true),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(spl_token::id(), false),
data: LendingInstruction::BorrowLiquidityByUniqueCredit{ amount }.pack(),
- repay loan
- credit owner should approve repaying amount from
as delegate
- credit owner should approve repaying amount from
pub fn repay_loan_by_unique_credit(
manager_key: Pubkey,
market_reserve_key: Pubkey,
supply_token_account_key: Pubkey,
unique_credit_key: Pubkey,
// repaying token account
source_token_account_key: Pubkey,
// borrow amount (u64::MAX represents repaying as much as possible,
// both considering token account balance and dept amount)
amount: u64,
) -> Instruction {
let program_id = id();
let (manager_authority_key, _bump_seed) = Pubkey::find_program_address(
Instruction {
accounts: vec![
AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(manager_key, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(manager_authority_key, false),
AccountMeta::new(market_reserve_key, false),
AccountMeta::new(supply_token_account_key, false),
AccountMeta::new(unique_credit_key, false),
AccountMeta::new(source_token_account_key, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(spl_token::id(), false),
data: LendingInstruction::RepayLoanByUniqueCredit{ amount }.pack(),