Provided by: Boson! (
A ready for production Jupiter React component.
- Install the react package and Jupiter deps
yarn add @bosonso/react-jup-ag
yarn add @jup-ag/react-hook
- Wrap your app with JupiterProvider like so:
import { JupiterProvider } from '@jup-ag/react-hook';
import { Connection } from '@solana/web3.js';
const connection = new Connection('');
const App = ({ children }) => {
const wallet = useWallet() // user wallet
return (
<JupiterProivder connection={connection} cluster="mainnet-beta" userPublicKey={wallet.publicKey}>
- Import React Jupiter and use it on your app:
import JupiterForm from '@boson-so/react-jup';
const connection = new Connection('');
const SwapScreen = ({ children }) => {
return (
<JupiterForm />
- Customizing styles:
You can customize whole form colors by replacing the styles prop, the default props are:
const defaultProps = {
styles: {
primaryBackground: "#0E0D11",
secondaryBackground: "#131318",
stroke: "#51576B",
primaryText: "#fff",
accent: "#3f52ff",