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Interesting Insights From SPIE 2018

srswinde edited this page Jun 15, 2018 · 7 revisions

Insights and Interesting Talks From SPIE 2018

ImageX 3.0 for archiving data

ImageX 3.0 is a web based image archiving system. You can archive data with a script or a user can do it with an HTML from. It has some quick look image utilities and other useful tools. Most importantly, it has a fairly powerful search tool. It can be downloaded in a docker container and run with a few lines in a bash shell on one of our local servers. He also has a demo page here but I would start with a recent paper here. I emailed the lead developer and he seemed happy to answer questions and give advice.

MMTO and Astroplan

I was wowed by Duane's presentation on the MMT queueing with restful framework and web front end. It looked great and we should copy them! I also talked to Petr about using Astroplan and he seemed interested in integrating that with RTS2.

First Contact Polymer optics protector and cleaner

It seemed magical!

The Abstract Observatory (LCO)

This talk was given by Eric Saunders as a sort of thought experiment on networking very heterogeneous observatories. The basic ideas is you package the idiosyncrasies of different observatories and separate them from the generic qualities: sky conditions, user access etc. They are implementing this system at SOAR telescope in CHile. We should read this paper when it is published.

Mayall Engineering Database

The Mayall is using a lot of open source software to manage the engineering logs with a lot of success, some of which are listed below. It might be worth talking to them.

Software products used by many different observatories and useful links.

Lots of open source tools, engineering logs and such I shall list them in no particular order