Version 1.3.0
Updated SNP calling
- Core-genome SNPs are determined based on pooling data across multiple samples
- SNPs are now reference-independent: the major and minor alleles are determined from aligned reads
- Added presets for commonly used sets of parameters: --core-snps, --core-sites, --all-snps, --all-sites
- Improved speed and parallelization
- Switched from global to local Bowtie2 read alignment; alignment coverage can be specified using the
Updated DB building code
- Switched from USEARCH to VSEARCH
- Added function to write genome_info.txt file (issue #60 )
Updated binaries
- Bowtie2 (2.3.2) and Samtools (1.4) updated
- Allows for interleaved reads and improved parallelization
Updated documentation
- Added use cases for (issue #61 )
Bug fixes