- uBee : original code to v6.0.0 Copyright (C) 2007-2016
- farthertedcrilly : Tricky Stuff - Updates to v6.1.0
- Snake : The Dumb stuff
- MikeConflake : minor updates
An emulator for the Microbee Z80 ROM, FDD and HDD based models. Working towards a unified makefile for Windows, macOS and Linux. For more information and build instructions for Windows, macOS and Linux For more information and support join our Social Media
- Microbee Programmers Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/microbeeprogrammers
- Microbee Programmers Discord : https://discord.gg/hSsTfsA6gy
% make
% make install
% make
% make install
- copy microbee roms into ~/.ubee512/roms/
- basic_5.22e.rom
- charrom.bin
- rom1.bin
- bn56.rom
$ cp disks/*.dsk ~/.ubee512/disks/ (may not be needed after make install)
- copy the disk you want to boot as boot.dsk
e.g. microbee_cpm3_61k_ds80.dsk
*** Linux Build ***
$ apt install -y libsdl1.2-dev
$ apt install -y libdsk-utils (maybe)
$ apt install -y libdsk4-dev (confirmed)
$ apt install -y libzzip-dev
- copy __hints.h from the libzzip source to /usr/include/zzip/
$ apt install -y libz80ex-dev
$ apt install -y libbz2-dev
$ cd src
$ make
$ sudo make install
- copy microbee roms into /usr/local/share/ubee512/roms/
- basic_5.22e.rom
- charrom.bin
- rom1.bin
- bn56.rom
$ cp disks/*.dsk ~/.ubee512/disks/ (may not be needed after make install)
- copy the disk you want to boot as boot.dsk
e.g. microbee_cpm3_61k_ds80.dsk
$ ubee512 --model=ic
$ ubee512 --model=p128k -a boot.dsk -b wordstar.dsk
ubee512 requires a copy of the bios roms from a Microbee computer
If you have a copy of the roms for mame, you can copy them from the mame roms directory:
cp /usr/share/games/mame/roms/mbee128p/bn56.rom ~/.ubee512/roms/P128K.ROM
cp /usr/share/games/mame/roms/mbee128p/bn56.rom ~/.ubee512/roms/P512K.ROM
cp /usr/share/games/mame/roms/mbee128p/charrom.bin ~/.ubee512/roms/
cp /usr/share/games/mame/roms/mbeepc85/bas525a.rom ~/.ubee512/roms/PC85_BASIC_A.ROM
cp /usr/share/games/mame/roms/mbeepc85/bas525b.rom ~/.ubee512/roms/PC85_BASIC_B.ROM
./src/build/ubee512 --model=p128k -a ./disks/boot.dsk -b disks/ubee512_cpm_tools.ds40_
./src/build/ubee512 --model=pc85 --conio --tapfilei=DiamondD.tap
./src/build/ubee512 --help
The full manual can be found under doc/README.md
The quickstart guide can be found under doc/QuickStart.md
The compilation guide can be found under doc/INSTALL.md
This is an unoffical fork of the uBee512 source. For more information, see the Microbee Programmers Discord https://discord.gg/hSsTfsA6gy