Automatic reminder for daily prayer times. As reminder, it plays Adhan (the call to prayer).
Muslims around the world need to pray in time five times a day. This skill gets prayer times for the local region from using API and plays Adhan in time. Also, anyone can get next prayer time or today's prayer times updates using this skill.
This skill runs automatically when the mycroft starts.
You should be able to install skill via mycroft-msm install
or you can install this skill via Installer Skill from web interface (
You can configure this skill via web interface ( After a few minutes of having the skill installed, you should see configuration options in the location.
Choose and select your options and hit save.
- "start prayer time"
- "turn on prayer time"
- "stop prayer time"
- "turn off prayer time"
- "tell me about the next prayer time"
- "what's the latest prayer time"
- "next prayer time"
- "tell me today's prayer times"
S. M. Estiaque Ahmed (@smearumi)
Daily Information Productivity
#mycroft #skill #Islam #Muslim #prayer #time #home #voice #assistant