Refact for Neovim is a free, open-source AI code assistant.
lazy = false,
config = function()
address_url = "Refact",
api_key = <API_KEY>,
use {
config = function()
address_url = "Refact",
api_key = <API_KEY>,
-- For enterprice, put there your company's server address. Your admin should have emailed that to you.
-- For Self-Hosted, use something like ""
-- For inference in public cloud, use "Refact" or "HF".
address_url = "Refact",
-- Secret API Key, It's used to authenticate your requests.
api_key = "",
-- Path to LSP binary if you have it installed.
--- @type string | nil
lsp_bin = nil,
-- Keymap for completion.
accept_keymap = "<Tab>",
-- Keymap for pausing autocompletion.
--- @type string | nil
pause_keymap = nil,
-- How many milliseconds to wait before triggering a new request.
debounce_ms = 200,
-- Allow insecure server connections when using SSL, ignore certificate verification errors. Allows you to use self-signed certificates
insecure_ssl = false,
-- Maximum number of tokens to generate for code completion.
max_tokens = 50,
-- Send code snippets as corrected by you, in a form suitable to improve model quality.
telemetry_code_snippets = false,
-- Enable embedded vector database (VecDB) for search (experimental)
vecdb = false,
-- Enable Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) parser, works only for popular languages.
-- Helps with code completion.
ast = true,
-- Limit the number of files for AST to process, to avoid memory issues.
-- Increase this number if you have a large project and sufficient memory.
ast_file_limit = 15000,
-- Expression that is used to decide if it should do single line code completion.
completion_expression = "^[%s%]:(){},.\"';>]*$",
Refact-neovim is compatible with lualine. Example configuration:
sections = {
lualine_x = {