This is a library and a binary program to create and change graphs using the rest API. This is a software from a class work and the idea of this is to make an easy platform for students get used with graphs and their theories.
The backend was made on rust with Rocket framework and the frontend made on Angular. The pages are shown below:
Rust Website and Angular Website
Install rust using the tutorial here.
Clone the repository:
git clone
After the instalation and the repository set use those commands:
rustup default nightly
Alternative :
rustup override set nightly # inside the project base directory
And finally :
rustup update && cargo update # every time that appers a compile error
Use cargo to compile and run inside the base directory of the project. this software is installed on the default installation of rust.
cargo build # to compile only
cargo run # to compile and run
The "par_vertices" and *"par_arestas" keys are only used if the API request it.
"vertices": [
"arestas": [
["1", "2"],
["2", "3"]
"par_vertices": [],
"par_arestas": [[]]
Remmember that the options fo the keys below:
<method> : AdjacencyList or AdjacencyMatrix
<node> : Number of the target node being 1 the first
<nodes> : Number of nodes desired
Below the API and a explanation of those commands:
Read a graph from data inside the post. Using the data format shown above.
/api/exec/edge/add/<method> : Return a graph with the edge added from the graph sended by the post. Using the data format shown above.
/api/exec/edge/remove/<method> : Return a graph with the edge removed from the graph sended by the post. Using the data format shown above.
/api/exec/node/add/<method> : Return a graph with the node added from the graph sended by the post. Using the data format shown above.
/api/exec/node/remove/<method>: Return a graph with the node removed from the graph sended by the post. Using the data format shown above.
/api/exec/node/neighborhood/<method>/<node> : Return an array with the neighborhood of the requested node from the graph sended by the post. Using the data format shown above.
/api/exec/generate/<nodes> : Return a graph generated with the number of nodes requested and random edges generated from 0 to complete graph.
/api/exec/search/<search_type>/<method> : Return the SearchMatrix.
/api/exec/is_connected/<method> : Return a boolean, True if the graph is connected and False if not.
/api/exec/has_cycle/<method> : Return a boolean, True if the graph has a cycle and False if not.
/api/exec/is_forest/<method> : Return a boolean, True if the graph is a forest and False if not.
/api/exec/is_tree/<method> : Return a boolean, True if the graph is a tree and False if not.
/api/exec/get_forest_generator/<method> : Return a graph that is the forest that generated the graph sent to the backend.
/api/exec/deepfirst_search/<method>/<node> : Returns the Searchmatrix and the stages of the deep first search on the graph sent starting from the node requested.
/api/exec/breadthfirst_search/<method>/<node> : Returns the Searchmatrix and the stages of the breadth first search on the graph sent starting from the node requested.
/api/exec/define_distances/<method>/<node> : Returns the distance starting from the node requested.
/api/exec/dijkstra/<method>/<node>: Returns de pair d e P using the node as the start point.