removed command server from the plugin (replaced by state in v1.3.0)
refactoring of command check_state
cleanup and simplified code (counter etc.)
added support for testing servers (makes check_server obsolet)
added warning level for DISABLED and PARTIAL-UP
harmonize plugin output for all commands does now use --extra-opts to be more flexible
added Time-Piece and Data-Dumper in the installation instructions
renamed check performancedata to perfdata (backwards compatible); small documentation changes
renamed checks 'string' and 'string_not' to 'matches' and 'matches_not' (with backwards compatibility)
accept multiple values for threshold checks (#7 )
added switch --api to select a different version of the NITRO API (#16 )
added example for requesting performance data from global counters (#13 )
allow usage of urlopts everywhere (also fixes #13 )
added sub check_license to check the expiry date of a license file (#17 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.