This in-development analyzer and associated plotting scripts are for developing tau and b-jet Level-1 Triggers for the CMS Experiment's Run 3 and Phase 2.
Installation instructions are in
To run the Analyzer:
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/L1Trigger/phase2L1BTagAnalyzer/test/
voms-proxy-init --rfc --voms cms # provide GRID password
cmsRun #this will produce an analyzer.root
Alternatively, you can have it run as a background process so it conntinues after logging out, and redirect the terminal output to a logRun file:
nohup cmsRun > logRun &
The .root file is written to the same directory (usually called analyzer_X.root
). Rename it and save it to a folder (e.g. outputs/
) and update a README
in the folder that describes which miniAOD/FEVT files were used to generate it.
To plot histograms of the reco-level jet pT, Eta, Phi, and (up to 4) track impact parameters, with b-jets in red and light-flavor jets in blue, use plotRecoJetProperties.C
macro with command line arguments to make a .pdf.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/L1Trigger/phase2L1BTagAnalyzer/btag_exercise/plot_jet_features/
root -l "plotRecoJetProperties.C(\"path/to/input/file.root\", \"outputname.pdf\")"
To train TMVA classifiers (BDTs, ANNs, etc.) using the reconstructed jet properties, use the ROOT macro TMVAAnalysis.C
. First navigate to the directory:
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/L1Trigger/phase2L1BTagAnalyzer/btag_exercise/mva
- Update the input file path in the "Load data" section of
. - Run the macro:
root -l -b -q TMVAAnalysis.C
- Add
> logRun
to the end to pipe the terminal output tologRun
- This will generate an output file "TMVA_output.root" in the same directory, whose contents can be viewed and plotted with the interactive TMVA GUI.
root -l -e 'TMVA::TMVAGui("TMVA_output<keyword>.root")'
To apply the standalone classifiers to other .ROOT samples, set the input and output file paths in applyWeightFile.C
and run:
root -l -b -q applyWeightFile.C
This repository does not include the tau analyzer, so the workflow for training TMVA classifiers on tau ttrees is:
- In
, set input and output file paths inTMVAAnalysis_tau.C
. Run the macro to generate an output file (replace X with whatever identifier the input file has):
root -l -b -q TMVAAnalysis_tau.C > files/trainingOutputs/TMVA_taus_logX
Create and view desired plots in the interactive TMVA GUI:
root -l -e 'TMVA::TMVAGui("out_[keyword].root")
The output .eps files in dataset/plots
will only be generated/ updated by creating them afresh in the interactive TMV GUI, which can be laggy. Check the Last Edited timestamp to avoid mistaking old plots for new ones.
- In
, set the input tree path and output file name.
root -l -b -q applyWeightFile_taus.C