Files included in this repo:
- README document
- "" - python program for the game
- images needed for this game: "ball.png, brick.png, cruved_paddle1.png, curved_paddle2.png, horizontal_wall.png, paddle.png, paddle1.png, paddle2.png, vertical_wall.png, and white_square.png"
- "requirements.txt" - requirements for virtual environment
- "" - examples from class (please ignore)
- "" - examples for class (please ignore)
- created a wall of 6 x 11 bricks
- moved the started point of the ball to the lower left-hand corner of the game and changed the angle so it initially moves towards the wall
- removed one paddle so that the game is a one person game
- changed the left-hand wall so it deflects the ball
According to the tasks set out for us in project 4, I have changed some of the features of the game as well:
- the bricks from the wall will be removed when they are hit
- the ball will increase it's speed every 10th brick that is hit
The creative feature that I've added is:
- every time the left-hand wall is hit, the velocity of the ball increases (but not as much as if the ball hits 10 bricks)
- if the left-hand wall is hit 3 times, then the game will end (player loses) -- (Note: this results in me keeping the left-side wall as the class EndLine, rather than changing it to BallDeflector as directed in the for project 4 requirements. The wall still deflects the ball, as directed, but there is another features to that that ends the game and this is part of my "creative" addition to the game and I spoke with Jackie about keeping the wall as "EndLine", thank you!)
To run this game you will to clone or download the files in this repo to a directory on your computer. You will then go to your terminal and navigate to that directory. When you are in the directory with the program file you will enter into the terminal:
This will initialize the window and start the game.
To play the game, you will need to move the paddle up and down in order to block the ball from hitting the end wall so that the ball can remove all of the bricks.To move the paddle up, you press the "w" button your keyboard.
To move the paddle down, you press the "s" button your keyboard.
To pause the game, press the "p" button on your keyboard (to unpause press "p" again)
To exit the game, press "q" or "escape" on your keyboard.
The goal is to keep the ball from hitting the side wall 3 times, while removing all of the bricks from the wall. If you hit the left-side wall 3 times, the game will quit and you will lose.