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Resamplings.jl is a Julia package implementing resampling algorithms intended to be used with (conditional) particle filters. The package aims to provide reasonably fast and easy to use functionality for resampling within performance-critical particle filtering code. The implementations of the resamplings are based on [Chopin, Singh, Soto and Vihola; 2022] and [Karppinen, Singh and Vihola; 2022] and references therein.

Currently, the package provides the following resampling algorithms:

  • multinomial

  • stratified

  • killing

  • systematic

  • residual

  • Srinivasan sampling process (SSP)

The behaviour of each resampling may additionally be altered with additional options (see "Constructing Resampling objects" below).

All resamplings support unconditional resampling that draws indices $A^{(1:N)}$ given (normalised, i.e summing to unity) weights $w^{(1:N)}$. Multinomial, systematic, killing and SSS resamplings also support conditional resampling that draws indices $A^{(-k)} \mid A^k = i$ with (normalised) weights $w^{(1:N)}$, where $A^{(-k)}$ stands for the indices $A^{(1:N)}$ excluding the $k$th.


To install Resamplings.jl, just run the following commands in the Julia REPL:

import Pkg
Pkg.add(url = "")


Resamplings.jl exports two main in place functions:

  • resample!(res, ind, w, rng) does unconditional resampling in place to ind given normalised weights w.

  • conditional_resample!(res, ind, w, k, i, rng) does conditional resampling in place to ind given ind[k] = i and normalised weights w.

These functions do not modify w. After calling conditional_resample!, the condition ind[k] = i holds. The types of the arguments should be as follows:

  • The argument res should be a subtype of Resampling. (see below)

  • ind should be a subtype of AbstractVector{<: Integer}.

  • w should be a subtype of AbstractVector{<: AbstractFloat}.

  • k and i should be subtypes of Integer.

  • rng should be a subtype of AbstractRNG from the package Random. rng defaults to Random.GLOBAL_RNG.

Furthermore, resample! and conditional_resample! assume that:

  • (not checked!) w is normalised.

  • (checked) the vectors ind and w are both of length N >= 2. N must match with the number of particles used to construct the resampling (see "Constructing Resampling objects" below). An AssertionError is raised if either of these conditions does not hold.

  • (checked) $i, k \in {1:N}$. An AssertionError is raised if either of these does not hold.

Additionally, conditional_resample! assumes (and checks) that w[i] is strictly positive. Attempting to call conditional_resample! for resamplings not implementing conditional resampling raises a MethodError. The call list_conditional_resamplings() may be used to print constructors for resamplings that implement conditional resampling (see also below). The function has_conditional can be called on a Resampling object to check whether it can be used for conditional resampling.

Constructing Resampling objects

Resamplings may be constructed with the following kind of syntax:

res_mult = Resampling{:multinomial}(10);
res_strat = Resampling{:stratified}(128);

where the numbers refer to the numbers of particles used.

Resamplings.jl also provides the following aliases to refer to each resampling:

  • MultinomialResampling === Resampling{:multinomial}

  • StratifiedResampling === Resampling{:stratified}

  • KillingResampling === Resampling{:killing}

  • SystematicResampling === Resampling{:systematic}

  • ResidualResampling === Resampling{:residual}

  • SSPResampling === Resampling{:ssp}

That is, for example, to construct an object for systematic resampling, the constructor SystematicResampling(N) may be used instead of Resampling{:systematic}(N).

Additional arguments for the constructors of resamplings

The user facing constructor for each resampling is of the form:

Resampling{S}(N; randomisation, order, intent)

where S is a Symbol corresponding to a particular resampling (see above).

The arguments are:

  • N: The number of particles used.

  • randomisation: A Symbol specifying the type of randomisation applied to the indices which are sampled internally in ascending order. May be :default (default), :none, :shuffle or :circular. :shuffle shuffles the indices randomly and :circular applies a random circular shift. :default uses the argument intent (see below) to choose a sensible default for the resampling being constructed.

  • order: specifies an order for the weights w. May be :default (default), :none, :sort or :partition. The default is :default, which uses intent to choose a sensible default for the resampling being constructed. This argument is available only in the constructors excluding multinomial and killing resampling.

  • intent: May be :unconditional or :conditional, default is :unconditional. Specifies how :default in arguments randomisation and order should be resolved (if either is set to :default). The default values produced depend on the resampling being constructed. :unconditional uses a sensible default from the perspective of unconditional resampling, and :conditional from the perspective of conditional resampling. Furthermore, setting intent = :conditional ensures that the output object can implement conditional resampling. If values for randomisation and order are passed such that this can not be guaranteed, an ArgumentError is thrown.

Further notes

  • Resampling.jl also features a so-called single-even systematic resampling (SSS), which is included for research purposes (type SSSResampling). The SSS resampling may be used when the weights are nearly constant, otherwise it falls back to systematic resampling (cf. [Chopin, Singh, Soto and Vihola; 2022], Remark 18).


University of Jyväskylä, Finland, Department of Mathematics and Statistics




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