A simple application to manage tasks list.
The application is deployed to Heroku.
The user needs to sign up first. On successful signing up, the user can maintain his tasks list by clicking at the link 'Tasks' at top. In the task list page, the user can view all his added tasks. From the same page, the user can also create/modify new task and delete a task.
A step by step process to get a development environment running
Ruby version: 2.3.1
Rails version: 5.1.4
Database Configuration: Used Postgresql. Setup postgres before installing the app
Firstly, clone from git and then run bundle install
Next, create the database & migrate for development.
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
And then run the rails server by rails s
Migrate the database for test environment:
$ rails db:migrate test
Next, run the test by rspec
- Sajid Rabbani - sjdrabbani