beginnings of collection
- download and extract pocketbase to
- install node v20:
- nvm
$ nvm install 20
$ cd database && ./pocketbase serve $ cd backend && node main.js $ cd frontend && npm run dev
[X] add human readable ID for collections [X] for each entry CO#1, CO#2... [ ] QR code / printable label [ ] Update contribution data model: add date created range (maybe just end date) [X] Full text search of the title/description [ ] Text search: all fields? [ ] Consider implementing inPhysicalCollection internally as just adding the "physical" tag.
Recollection: [ ] Pagination / lazy load when scrolling [ ] Single view of single file [ ] Design the signle views with embedding in mind (e.g. for co-creator)
Processing pipeline: [X] Check if loop is working [ ] Split into two running in parrallel: one handling video, one handling th erest
Deployment: [ ] Password-protect repo ? [ ] Scripts to run on start ? [ ] SSH tunnel for remote support
UI: [X] Greek version
Cocreator: [X] Add ability to embed a webpage [ ] Export printable snapshot [ ] Embedded Co-llection entries: no interaction allowed, work with interaction via popup (only in view mode) [ ] How to create a space: - first and last name - Generate button - generates a live agora space
- heading
- introduction text
- visual indicitation of where to upload files
- prompts for each field
clicking anywhere on an entry takes you directly to the single view
dont open in a new tab
ideally provide a way to go way to the previous context
How do captions appear?