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Update DividedRectangles.jl
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tawheeler authored Sep 22, 2024
1 parent 27edd67 commit 924a037
Showing 1 changed file with 87 additions and 62 deletions.
149 changes: 87 additions & 62 deletions src/DividedRectangles.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,85 +2,110 @@ module DividedRectangles

export optimize, direct

# Structure to store information about each rectangle
A structure for store information about each hyperrectangular interval.
struct DirectRectangle
c::Vector{Float64} # center point
y::Float64 # center point value
d::Vector{Int} # number of divisions per dimension
r::Float64 # interval radius

# Identifies the rectangles to explore further
function get_potentially_optimal_rects(rectangles::Vector{DirectRectangle}, min_radius::Float64)
optimal_rects = DirectRectangle[]

# Sorts the rectangles by size and then by function value
sort!(rectangles, by = r -> (r.radius, r.value))
A helper function that determines whether a→b→c is counter-clockwise in (r,y) space.
function is_ccw(a::DirectRectangle, b::DirectRectangle, c::DirectRectangle)
return a.r*(b.y-c.y)-a.y*(b.r-c.r)+(b.r*c.y-b.y*c.r) < 1e-6

for rect in rectangles
if !isempty(optimal_rects) && rect.radius == optimal_rects[end].radius
A routine for obtaining the split intervals from a given list of intervals and a minimum radius.
The potentially optimal intervals form a lower-right convex hull in $r$ and $y$.
function get_split_intervals(□s::Vector{DirectRectangle}, r_min::Float64)
hull = DirectRectangle[]
# Sort the rects by increasing r, then by increasing y
sort!(□s, by =-> (□.r, □.y))
forin □s
if length(hull) 1 &&.r == hull[end].r
# Repeated r values cannot be improvements
if !isempty(optimal_rects) && rect.value <= optimal_rects[end].value
if length(hull) 1 &&.y hull[end].y
# Remove the last point if the new one is better
push!(optimal_rects, rect)
if length(hull) 2 && is_ccw(hull[end-1], hull[end], □)
# Remove the last point if the new one is better
push!(hull, □)

filter!(r -> r.radius >= min_radius, optimal_rects)
return optimal_rects
# Only split intervals larger than the minimum radius
filter!( -> .r r_min, hull)
return hull

# Splits the rectangle into smaller pieces
function divide(rect::DirectRectangle, g)
n = length(
smallest_division = minimum(rect.divisions)
divisions_copy = copy(rect.divisions)
An implementation of DIRECT that runs for the given number of iterations and
then returns all hyperrectangular intervals.
function direct(f, a::Vector{Float64}, b::Vector{Float64};
max_iterations::Int = 100, min_radius::Float64 = 1e-5)

g = x -> f(x.*(b-a) + a) # evaluate within unit hypercube

smaller_rectangles = DirectRectangle[]
for i in 1:n
if rect.divisions[i] == smallest_division
delta = 3.0^(-smallest_division-1)
divisions_copy[i] += 1

new_center1 = .+ delta * (i == 1 ? 1.0 : 0.0)
new_center2 = .- delta * (i == 1 ? 1.0 : 0.0)

push!(smaller_rectangles, DirectRectangle(new_center1, g(new_center1), copy(divisions_copy), delta))
push!(smaller_rectangles, DirectRectangle(new_center2, g(new_center2), copy(divisions_copy), delta))
n = length(a)
c = fill(0.5, n)
□s = [DirectRectangle(c, g(c), fill(0, n), sqrt(0.5^n))]

for k in 1 : max_iterations
□s_split = get_split_intervals(□s, r_min)
setdiff!(□s, □s_split)
for □_split in □s_split
append!(□s, split_interval(□_split, g))

return smaller_rectangles
return □s

# Function that returns all the rectangles
function direct(f, a::Vector{Float64}, b::Vector{Float64}; max_iterations::Int = 100, min_radius::Float64 = 1e-5)
g = x -> f(x .* (b .- a) .+ a)
n = length(a)
initial_center = fill(0.5, n)
initial_rectangle = DirectRectangle(initial_center, g(initial_center), fill(0, n), sqrt(0.5^n))

rectangles = [initial_rectangle]

for _ in 1:max_iterations
optimal_rects = get_potentially_optimal_rects(rectangles, min_radius)
setdiff!(rectangles, optimal_rects)
for rect in optimal_rects
append!(rectangles, divide(rect, g))
Split the given interval, where g is the objective function in the unit hypercube.
This method returns a list of the resulting smaller intervals.
function split_interval(□, g)
c, n, d_min, d =.c, length(□.c), minimum(□.d), copy(□.d)
dirs, δ = findall(d .== d_min), 3.0^(-d_min-1)
# Sample the objective function in all split directions,
# and track the minimum value in each axis.
Cs = [(c + δ*basis(i,n), c - δ*basis(i,n)) for i in dirs]
Ys = [(g(C[1]), g(C[2])) for C in Cs]
minvals = [min(Y[1], Y[2]) for Y in Ys]

# Split the axes in order by increasing minimum value.
□s = DirectRectangle[]
for j in sortperm(minvals)
d[dirs[j]] += 1 # increment the number of splits
C, Y, r = Cs[j], Ys[j], norm(0.5*3.0.^(-d))
push!(□s, DirectRectangle(C[1], Y[1], copy(d), r))
push!(□s, DirectRectangle(C[2], Y[2], copy(d), r))

return rectangles
r = norm(0.5*3.0.^(-d))
push!(□s, DirectRectangle(c, □.y, d, r))
return □s

# Main function that runs the DIRECT optimization algorithm and returns the best design
function optimize(f, a::Vector{Float64}, b::Vector{Float64}; max_iterations::Int = 100, min_radius::Float64 = 1e-5)
rectangles = direct(f, a, b, max_iterations=max_iterations, min_radius=min_radius)

best_value, best_rect_index = findmin(r.value for r in rectangles)
best_rect = rectangles[best_rect_index]
return .* (b .- a) .+ a
The primary method provided by DividedRectangles.jl, which is used to
optimize an objective function and return the best design found.
function optimize(f, a::Vector{Float64}, b::Vector{Float64};
max_iterations::Int = 100, min_radius::Float64 = 1e-5)
□s = direct(f, a, b, max_iterations=max_iterations, min_radius=min_radius)
c_best = □s[findmin(□.y forin □s)[2]].c
return c_best.*(b-a) + a # from unit hypercube

end # end module

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