AWS ECS Fargate integration with AWS code pipeline. POC by Venkatesh Singu (1066099)
AWS Fargate is a compute engine for Amazon ECS that allows you to run containers without having to manage servers or clusters
- AWS account, GitHub Account (code commit), Docker hub Account (ECR).
- Docker based application source code store either in GitHub or AWS code commit.
- Create Target group
- Create Load Balancer
- Create repository in ECR
- Create cluster
- Create Task definition
- Create a service under cluster.
- For CI/CD create code -build and code-pipeline
=================================================================== Steps:
a. Goto ECS - Create cluster - choose ECS Fargate b. Task definition: In order to run containers inside this cluster ,we need to have task definition.Inside the Task Definition add containers. c. Create ECR repo. d. Create Tarketgroup -- choose ip--port 8080 e. Create Load Balancer --Load balancer lisner for port 80. (A load balancer is a device that acts as a reverse proxy and distributes network or application traffic across a number of servers. ) Load balancer protocal -HTTP -80--choose Availibility Zones default--create Security Groups--type HTTP--source custome-- create configure routing--choose existing Tarketgroup (earlier created) ALB listen on 80 - Tarketgroup listen on 8080 - ECS tasks run on 8080 f. Create a service under cluster.(service uses task definition to create containers) Launch type- Fargate sericeName- QAutoApp Number of tasks-3 Edit new security group- choose custome tcp-8080 choose Load Balancer type & Name (Add Load Balancer) Production listener port -80:HTTP Tarketgroup-existinggroup
g. login into ECR h. application succuessfully deployed on ecs fargate cluster i. CI/CD setup j. Goto code build - (going to pull repo using buildspec.yml its going to build docker image and push this into ECR)
1. update buildspec.yml -> REPOSITORY URL:
2. create build project
3. attach policy(AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess) for role: codebuild-xyz-service-role-12345(goto role serach for codebuild-xyz-service-role-12345)
Note: We have complete setup for cluster,github, codebuild( pull src code from github and then build image and push to ecr).
k. code pipeline - Create code pipeline
================================================================================= Application is successfully deployed on ECS Fargate using CI/CD******