This is a 5GTANGO component to execute the Verification and Validation Tests
The Executor module is responsible for executing the Verification and Validation tests requested by the Curator component.
It receives a test request with the associated descriptor file (Test Descriptor), a file that contains the test configurations, dependencies, validation and verification conditions, etc. With this information, Executor generates a docker-compose.yaml file and executes the tests sequence with docker-compose tool.
Once tests are finished, Executor check validation and verification conditions, stores the results y the V&V repository and generates a "Completion Test Response" to Curator component.
This will generate a docker image with the latest version of the code. Before building, a test suite is executed.
./gradlew clean test build docker
Once started, you can check the health endpoint at
Swagger UI can be accessed at
Java JDK (10+)
Spring Boot (2.1.3)
Groovy (2.5.6)
Swagger (2.9.2)
Contributing to the V&V Executor is really easy. You must:
- Clone this repository;
- Work on your proposed changes, preferably through submiting issues;
- Submit a Pull Request;
- Follow/answer related issues (see Feedback, below).
This 5GTANGO component is published under Apache 2.0 license. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.
The following lead developers are responsible for this repository and have admin rights. They can, for example, merge pull requests.
- Laura Álvarez (LauraAnt)
- Santiago Rodríguez (srodriguezOPT)
- Felipe Vicens (felipevicens)
- José Bonnet (jbonnet)
Please use the GitHub issues and the 5GTANGO Verification and Validation group mailing list [email protected]
for feedback.