Final deck:!Aq_TlvfieKvqu8t5DYBMbiD91PxE6Q?e=STaglB
Some areas to explore:
- CNN training from a few examples. We have several options for fine-tuning: yolo, aml resnets, torchvision
- given an extraction, unroll it to optimize OCR.
- other enhancements to improve OCR
- labeling and storage workspaces
- mobile app workflow
- conda install cython
- conda install jupyter
- pip install opencv-python
- pip install git+
- pip install pillow
- conda install matplotlib
- pip install azureml-sdk
- pip install azure.cli.core
- pip install azureml-contrib-dataset
- potentially important: pytorch/vision#2720
Torchvision todo:
- move to a GPU box.
- double check batch size, epoch size
- visualize outputs
- understand evaluation outputs.