This API supports the following functionalities:
- Controlling LEGO motors
- Reading from the following sensors:
- Touch
- Ultrasonic
- Color
- Gyro
- Infrared
- HiTechnic Color Sensor V2
- HiTechnic Compass Sensor
- HiTechnic Infrared Sensor
- NXT Temperature
- NXT Sound
- Pixy Cam
- Controlling Buttons and LEDs
- Printing text on LCD
- Playing sounds and audio files
In order to compile a program that uses this library, or to rebuild this library, you need a compatible ARM toolchain. You can download the one from the official c4ev3 repository.
Download library from the releases page. Each releases consist of a
zip file that contains an include
folder, with all the headers, and a lib
folder, which contains the built static library.
There are two versions of static library: glibc and uclibc. While compiling, specify the right version to use according to your compiler.
If you are using the toolchain from c4ev3, use the uclibc version.
Create now a new file:
// hello.c
#include <ev3.h>
int main () {
LcdTextf(LCD_COLOR_BLACK, 0, 0, "Hello world!");
return 0;
Then compile it with:
arm-c4ev3-linux-uclibcgnueabi-gcc hello.c -I /path/to/c4ev3/include -L /path/to/c4ev3/include/lib/uclibc -lev3api
or with (if you're using a glibc compiler)
arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc hello.c -I /path/to/c4ev3/include -L /path/to/c4ev3/include/lib/glibc -lev3api
Finally, use ev3duder to upload the program to the robot.
You can find the documentation here: