Website displaying weather data for a few thousand cities on an interactive map. The data is taken from Wikipedia.
You can find a deployed version here.
The original goal was to have a more efficient way to look at weather tables from Wikipedia to choose travel itineraries.
cp config_sample.json config.json
# and edit the file if needed
# create a folder where we will put the downloadedfiles
mkdir download
# fetch the list of cities and associated files from
wget "" -P downloads
wget "" -P downloads
wget "" -P downloads
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.tx
# parse the city files
python meteomap/ --admin1codes-file downloads/admin1CodesASCII.txt \
--country-infos-file downloads/countryInfo.txt downloads/ downloads/parsed_geonames_world.gz
# add wiki data
python meteomap/ downloads/parsed_geonames_world.gz downloads/augmented_geonames_world.gz
# create the database
python meteomap/
# insert the data in the database
python meteomap/ downloads/augmented_geonames_world.gz
make run
# Go to
the database locally and then push it to the prod database.- The heroku deployment is in the