- Expo Tabs Layout
- Supabase Client
- AuthContext: passed to SessionProvider
- SessionProvider: allows you to use session data in each tab
- Project Layout
├── app # This is where your routes (tabs/pages) live
│ ├── _layout.js # Configures tab layout with SessionProvider, hides 'index' tab
│ ├── index.js # Default page that we use to redirect
│ ├── Home # Example home page (default redirect)
│ │ ├── _layout.js #
│ │ └── Home.js #
│ ├── Page # Example blank page
│ │ ├── _layout.js #
│ │ └── Page.js #
│ └── ... # etc.
├── assets # Default Expo assets folder
├── lib # Your project files you do not want in routes
│ ├── AuthContext.js
│ ├── supabase.js
│ └── components # Custom global components
├── App.js # Default Expo entry point
├── *.json # package.json, app.json, etc.
└── README.md
Q: Why is lib not inside app?
A: expo-router creates routes from the app folder, so if lib is in app we will have routes called lib/supabase.js, lib/AuthContext.js, etc. If you'd rather structure it this way you actually can, but you have to disable the routes in _layout.js the same way the index route is.
- package.json
The entry point for the application is set to the routere
"main": "expo-router/entry"
- babel.config,js
After presets line, add plugins
plugins: ['expo-router/babel],
- Folder structure
- Component structure
- Global
- Route/tab specific
- Authentication
- Redirect based on session
- Account page
- Login/Signup page
- Testing (Jest)