To run the project
git clone
If you are using yarn then run yarn install
to install dependencies
If you are using npm then run npm install
to install dependencies
For iOS device emulators (Only supported on MacOS)
- Download and install xcode from app store
- Emulator is bundled with xcode not additional steps required
For android emulators
- Download and install Android Studio from here
- After installation open android studio and launch AVD manager.
- Create a new device from AVD manager.
- You can find full instructions here
holds some configuration that is needed for your app to run. Create a new file secrets.json
and add this content to it after replacing the placeholders with appropriate values
To launch in iOS device emulator (Works only if xcode is installed)
If using yarn: yarn ios
If using npm: npm run ios
To launch in android device emulator (Works only if a android emulator is created from AVD manager as in step 3)
If using yarn: yarn android
If using npm: npm run android