Getting a jekyll based github:pages blog up and running was more effort than I expected (not a 5 minute job). This repo contains everything you need to get started, including forks of the default github:pages themes as submodules.
For github:pages, github requires a repo named, you can fork ghpblog and rename it, or do what is described in the installation section. Remember that the themes are forks of the default github:pages themes included in this repo as submodules.
- Fork on github
- Create a new repo
- git clone
- git remote add upstream
- git fetch upstream
- git merge upstream/master
- git submodule init
- git submodule update --recursive
- git push
- Edit _config.yml to your liking, edit the owner and copyright values specifically
- If you don't want to see the default test post's, in their respective YAML frontmatter, set published:false
- Add your own content to _posts following the file naming convection for markdown for example
- Commit and push your changes