##~/.vimrc configuration
I have been using vim since 3-4 years but never used even basic features in it. But recently i played lot with vim and tweaked for my needs. This is a small attempt for awesome vimrc
It's pretty simple to install. Clone the repo and execute the install.sh
file from it. It takes backup of your existing .vimrc
and .gvimrc
and ~/.gvimrc
). In case you need to switch back to your original, just remap those original files.
$ git clone https://github.com/sagarrakshe/dotvim ~/.vim
$ cd .vim
$ ./install.sh
It contains about 450+ color themes. Choose yours!
- Auto-pairs
- clang_complete
- Command-T
- Ctrlp
- Easymotion
- Jedi-vim
- Multiple-cursors
- Neocomplcache
- Nerdtree
- Supertab
- Syntastic
- Syntax_opengl
- Taglist
- Template
- Tcomment
- Vim-fugitive
- Powerline
- Sensible
- Surround
- YouCompleteMe
##Gmail in Vim - Vmail!
Vmail is a Vim interface to Gmail. To install follow the instructions here.
To launch, enter command on terminal vmail
or if already vim is running execute !vmail
I have remaped gmail
in normal mode for vmail
. So in normal mode if you type gmail
your gmail inbox will open.