The oceanData module searches the MODIS satellite data to obtain sea surface temperature using user specified search parameters which calls the NASA earthaccess package. The py files are in oceanData folder. The repository uses a scheduler to obtain the plots for specified intervals.
The scripts need conda environments to run the packages.
# Earth access module for the NASA earth access package
conda install -c conda-forge earthaccess
# xarray package for data analysis
conda install -c anaconda xarray
# open blas package may be required for MAC users
conda install openblas
# h5netcdf for xarray
conda install -c conda-forge h5netcdf
conda install dask
# plotting using matplotlib
conda install matplotlib
# job scheduling using apscheduler
conda install -c anaconda apscheduler
Alternatively, env.yml can be used to build the conda environment to run the scripts using the following command.
conda env create -f env.yml
Access token can be created using earthdata website using this link.
touch ~/.netrc
echo "machine" >> ~/.netrc
echo " login <enter username>" >> ~/.netrc
echo " password <enter password>" >> ~/.netrc
GH pages is used to host documentation.
Alternatively, mkdocs can be used to host the documents locally using the following pages.
mkdocs build
mkdocs serve is the main file containing the scheduler which then calls the sst function for default interval of 1 hour.
A test flag can be added which calls the sst once, to verify if the plot function is working as expected.
python3 test