clj-foundation supplies namespaces making additional simple things easy and hard things possible in Clojure that are intended for use across all Clojure projects at Brad's Deals.
- Enhances the core language in resonable, useful, and conservative ways.
- Enables programming using a monadic style without requiring explicit monad types.
- Describes, specifies, and illustrates best practices at Brad's Deals for working in Clojure.
- The only dependencies are Clojure, Potemkin, and Schema in order to minimize adoption friction.
- Cassandra as a mutable, versioned map:
- Git from the Clojure REPL:
The folowing is a small sample of clj-foundation's features:
- A Mixed Number type
- Time conversions to/from milliseconds
- (str (millis/->dmhs elapsed-time)) => e.g.: "5 days 2 hours 3 minutes 2 seconds"
- A Nothing type that behaves like the identity value for Maps, Seqs, and Strings and is distinct from nil.
- Functions converting identity values of various types/operations to and from nil.
Ever had to declare a map containing the result of let variable bindings? Now you can do that in one step with let-map.
(let-map [meaning 42
secrets (io/read-file "/etc/passwd")])
{:meaning 42
:secrets "nobody:*:-2:-2:Unprivileged User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false\nroot:*:0:0:System Administrator:/var/root:/bin/sh\n...."}
;; Replace a nil value with a default
(replace-nil (:first-name customer) "John")
;; Returns value if non-nil else throws IllegalArgumentException naming the nil value
(not-nil (:first-name customer) "First name")
;; Expect a condition specified by a predicate to become true within timeout-millis.
;; Throws IllegalStateException on failure with the specified message.
(millis/<-seconds 5)
(fn [] (= (meaning-of-life) 42))
"Couldn't compute the meaning of life.")
;; Retry x times, with millis puase interval a specified function that is failure-prone
(retry 5 (millis/<-seconds 10) some-unreliable-io-operation)
A string interpolation language that is intentionally dumb about the syntax of its hosting language.
;; Given:
(def content "Say hello to ${NAME}")
;; Then:
(templates/subst<- content :NAME "Jack")
"Say hello to Jack"
(subst<- content :ZIP "46989")
ExceptionInfo Not found: '${NAME}' clojure.core/ex-info
(interpolation-vars content)
- Interpolation variables are resolved from the following places with the following precedence:
- Java system variables (e.g.: java -DNAME='Jack'
- Operating system environment variables
- Any key/value variables specified in code.
;; Return a Jar resource as a string
(resource-as-string "config.txt")
;; Return a Jar resource as a string, but allow the ALT_CONFIG_LOCATION Java system or O/S environment
;; variable to redirect reading to an external configuration file instead.
(resource-as-string "ALT_CONFIG_LOCATION" "config.txt")
;; Return a Jar resource as a string, interpolating any template variables inside the Jar resource
;; using the supplied interpolation variables and the override rules defined by the template language.
(read-template "" :NAME "Jack")
;; Return a Jar resource as a string, possibly overridden by the environment variable ALT_CONFIG_LOCATION
;; per the template engine's precedence rules. Any template variables in the file will also be substuted
;; using the supplied key/value pairs and/or matching environment variables per the template engine's
;; precedence rules.
(read-template "ALT_CONFIG_LOCATION" "" :NAME "Jack")
- Easier serialization / deserialization in various formats. Currently supports binary and EDN formats. Optionally can use the template language to support substitution variables inside EDN files.
- A let-map form similar to "let" that returns its names and values as a Map--for those times the values of subsequent keys in a Map depend on the values of prior ones.
- Simple named implementations of design patterns familiar to Java developers, particularaly Singleton.
:user {:repositories [["jitpack" ""]]
:dependencies [[com.github.shopsmart/clj-foundation "version"]]}
where "version" currently is "".
<name>Jitpack repo</name>
# Build
$ lein jar
# Test
$ lein with-profile test test
On APIs - While 1.0 will be a major release with some inevitable API breakage, we will strive:
- To maintain API compatiblity with prior releases to the greatest extent possible
- To remove duplicated functionality (which may contradict the API compatibility principle)
- To maintain API compatibility with code copied from internal Brad's Deals projects to the greatest extent possible.
- Clear naming convention for namespaces that are provisional (non-frozen, WIP) API.
Known tech debt that may influence APIs
- Consider migrating db.clj's local configuration mechanism to config.clj (and then make an instance of the generic implementation inside db.clj)
Target Clojure 1.9
- All functions will have type information supplied via Clojure 1.9 specs.
- Functions currently using plumatic/schema to specify type constraints will be migrated to Specs
On testing
- All functions will be unit tested using a style designed to illustrate behavior under failure modes as well as happy path scenarios.
- We will collectively agree on a style of testing that seems to hit the sweet spot between overspecification and underspecification.
- (Details are not set in stone but definitely up for negotiation)
- When defects are detected, we will first reproduce the defect's root cause using a failing test case that will prevent the defect from reoccurring without the test notifying us.
- Generative testing with Specs
- Integrate kbitz (suggest Clojure idioms), some Clojure linting library; if it's easy to make these available to clients of clj-foundation, do so.
Debug library
- dbg, ppdbg macros
- trace?
- Machine generate as much as possible?
Make clj_infrastructure as a separate library
- Move db.clj there?
- Abstract db.clj API using monads at the foundation layer and implement for relational, nosql, etc. in infrastructure?
- ?
- Abstractions for creating/consuming lazy sequences?
- Abstractions for aggregating a sequence of database results into a map[concatinated-key value(s)]
- Figure out how to isolate namespaces and their dependencies at the classpath level, including runtime reloading and evolution semantics after the fashion of OSGi at the REPL or in a running application.
- Update and include clojure.osgi for clean deployment into OSGi frameworks?
- Deploy to Clojars?
Copyright © 2015, 2016 by ShopSmart, LLC. Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0.
- David Orme
- Levi Dixon