Using the SVHN database. We have logistic regression(+Lasso, +Ridge), SVM(+kernel), GMM, LDA, GAN, CNN, and so on.
git clone
cd Machine_Learning
pip install -r requirements.txt
For example, you can run logistic regression (lr) with lasso loss using full dataset as follows.
python --method lr --mode lasso --data vec --dataset full
Besides, you can run GAN using full dataset as follows.
python --method gan --data img --dataset full
There are some parameters which decides the dataset to choose from.
--data, choices=['vec', 'img'], whether to use HOG features, or RGB features
--dataset, choices=['full', 'part'], whether to use full dataset, or the part
There are some parameters which decides the model to choose from.
- --method, choices=['svm','lr', 'lda', 'gmm', 'cnn', 'gan']
- --mode, choices=['normal','lasso', 'ridge']
- --kernel, choices=['linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid', 'precomputed']
There are some parameters which decides the hyper-parameters to choose from.
- --lr, learning rate
- --Lambda, used for Lasso and Ridge"
- --epoch, epoch for training"
- --batch-size, choose -1 for the whole dataset"
More details can be seen in