e_shop is an e-commerce Flutter application.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- Flutter SDK: Follow the official Flutter installation instructions for your operating system.
- Dart SDK: Flutter requires the Dart SDK. It's included with the Flutter SDK, so you don't need to install it separately.
- Android Studio/VS code or Xcode: Depending on whether you're targeting Android or iOS, you'll need either Android Studio/VS code or Xcode installed.
- Flutterfire: Flutterfire should be set up to create and link the Firebase project to your Flutter application.
- Firebase Console Account: Your Firebase console should be setup so that you can use Firebase services such as authentication, cloud firestore, and Firebase Remote Config.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/shivangsorout/e_shop
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd <project_directory>
- Install dependencies:
flutter pub get
- Enable Authentication through email/password.
- Enable Cloud Firestore database.
- Enable Firebase Remote Config service and add the following boolean:
Ensure you have an Android device connected via USB or an Android emulator running. -
Run the command in terminal:
flutter run
Ensure you have a macOS machine with Xcode installed. -
Run the command in terminal:
flutter run
- Firebase Authentication (email only)
- Collecting details (name, email) [Storing details collected in Firestore in user collection]
- A products feed showing the all the products from (https://dummyjson.com/products)
- The products from the API will have a discountPercentage field, you will need to use discountPercentage to calculate the discountedPrice from the actual price field and display it accordingly in the UI.
- Create a boolean in Firebase Remote Config to decide whether we display the discountedPrice or the original price.
- Flutter >= v2.2.0
- Error Handling for Backend Services
- Form validation
- State management [Provider only]
- Keep the app size as small as possible
- Reduced the app size by minimizing the use of dependencies by only using the required Firebase dependencies, provider, and 2 more dependencies.
- Following the latest design guidelines
- Responsive and Adaptive Layouts: used Flexible, Expanded and MediaQuery.
- Performance Optimizations: used const constructors and State management for better performance.
- Follow any well-known architectural pattern
- Used MVVM(Model, View and View Model) architecture.
- Surprise us with your creativity!
- Created two extra screens in the authentication part forgot password screen and the verify email screen.
- Created a product detail screen where I am showing some extra details about the product such as reviews, ratings, etc.
- Use third-party dependencies
- Used flutter_rating_bar to show the rating
- Used timeago for showing date.