A web-based tool to calculate the total duration of a YouTube playlist, average video length, and time estimates at different playback speeds. This tool helps you understand how long it will take to watch an entire playlist at various speeds. {during exam or interview time 😂😂😂}
- Calculate Total Playlist Duration: Get the total length of all videos in a YouTube playlist.
- Average Video Duration: Determine the average length of videos within the playlist.
- Playback Speed Estimates: See how long it will take to watch the entire playlist at different speeds (1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 2x).
You can view a live demo of this tool [in about section]
- A modern web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
- A YouTube Data API key (obtainable from the Google Developers Console)
Follow these steps to get your own instance of the Playlist Duration Calculator up and running:
- Clone the Repository
git clone <repolink>
- start live server
Results will include: Playlist Title Number of Videos Average Video Length Total Playlist Duration Duration Estimates at Different Playback Speeds (1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 2x)