Docker Build, Push to Amazon EC/2 Container Registry and Continuous Integration for a Node JS application
A simple Node JS application with unit tests and coverage reports using mocha and istanbul. Thie repo demonstrates the following features:
- Set up serverless CI, i.e. on Shippable-provided infrastructure
- Perform CI tests
- Perform docker build and push image to Amazon EC/2 Container Registry (ECR)
- Fork this repo into your local repo
- Login into the Continuous Integration Service
- Create an integration on shippable to your docker hub
- All CI configuration is in
- Follow these CI Setup Instructions if you have never used Shippable CI Service
- Update the integrationName in the integration.hub section if you used something other than
- Change the DOCKER_REPO and AWS_ECR_URL to point to your repo and registry
- You should be able to run a manual build or webhook build on commit