This is a Caffe implementation of a paper, Wavelet Convolutional Neural Networks for Texture Classification (arXiv, 2017).
- Python 3+
- Caffe
This code was tested with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 on Windows 10.
When you set up the environment of Caffe on Windows, we recommend you to use this version of Caffe, instead of the windows branch of the official Caffe.
Please go to models
directory and follow the instructions.
python --phase train --gpu 0 --dataset path/to/dataset_lmdb
To run this code, you have to prepare your dataset as LMDB format. (Otherwise, you have to rewrite models/WaveletCNN_4level.prototxt
And you might need to rewrite some settings in models/solver_WaveletCNN_4level.prototxt
, such as test_iter, base_lr and max_iter.
python --phase test --gpu 0 --initmodel models/ImageNet_waveletCNN_level4.caffemodel --target_image path/to/image
Using the pre-trained model with ImageNet 2012 dataset, please download it following the instructions in models
When you use your own trained model, path to the model is used instead as the argument of --initmodel. Additionally, you need to rewrite the path to the file, which contains label names, in
If you find this code useful for your research, please cite our paper:
author = {Shin Fujieda and Kohei Takayama and Toshiya Hachisuka},
title = {Wavelet Convolutional Neural Networks for Texture Classification},
journal = {arXiv:1707.07394 [cs.CV]},
year = {2017},