A Services for Display Xcode console output string like "\U4e2a\U4eba\U8ba4" to human readable string.
##How to Use
1.build product to xcu.app;
2.copy xcu.app to ~/Applications;
3.copy Xcode_Console_Unicode.workflow to /Users/$YourName/Library/Services;
4.Now,you can use a text services in Xcode console`s output like below: title = "\U4e3a\U4ec0\U4e48\U8bf4\U4e2d\U94c1\U8d1f\U503a\U8fbe\U5230 84.84% \U662f\U53ef\U63a7\U8303\U56f4\U5185\U7684\Uff1f";
5.select above text,right click mouse,in popup menu,click "Services/Xcode_Console_Unicode",you can see the human readable text displayed in NSAlert window;