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Endgame for v0.8.0

Igor Rončević edited this page Feb 17, 2019 · 1 revision

A big "Thanks!" to all the Endgame runners of the Sharpen v0.8.0 :-) Your efforts in ensuring Sharpen's quality are presented in the table below.

I would also like to thank @MC01DA and @LeoJHarris for reporting two issues connected to VS 2019 (#19 and #21).

Runner Visual Studio .NET Smoke Tests Hibernate Own Project Trying it out
Berislav Nižić Community 2017 15.4.3+27004.2008 4.7.03056
Robert Kurtanjek Community 2017 15.9.7+28307.423 4.7.03190
Sriman Saswat Suvankar Community 2017 15.9.3+28307.145
Enterprise 2019 16.0.0-pre.1.0+28329.73